Player 1 |
#player1 Evans_Clinchy Evans Clinchy
#player2 Ruth_Hamilton Ruth Hamilton
>Evans_Clinchy: FIILNOU 8G FILO +14 14
#note Or FOU, or exchanging, or this. Close call. Shrug. I like points.
>Ruth_Hamilton: EIRSW K4 WIRES +24 24
>Evans_Clinchy: AAGILNU 4K .AUL +14 28
#note I spent forever staring at ALINGUAL* and convincing myself it wasn't a word. Of course it looked familiar because the actual word there is UNIALGAL. I remembered this 10 minutes later. Heh.
>Ruth_Hamilton: DILY N2 DI.LY +34 58
>Evans_Clinchy: AAGINNN H1 NANNIGA. +80 108
#note I'm off to such a great start! This is phony. I confused NENNIGAI# with NANNYGAI# and came up with this.
>Ruth_Hamilton: EJT O1 JET +35 93
>Evans_Clinchy: ACDKPTU J7 P.CK +26 134
#note Missing UPTAK# and PADOUK and a ton of other stuff. God this game is terrible. Why are you still watching this?
>Ruth_Hamilton: ADORR O6 ARDOR +23 116
>Evans_Clinchy: ADEITUZ N9 DEUTZIA +95 229
#note Missed the better spot! In line L, making FILOSE, for 102. STOP MAKING MISTAKES.
>Ruth_Hamilton: AQ 12L QA. +24 140
>Evans_Clinchy: DEINSVX 3L EX.. +42 271
#note A debatable choice - you could also take out the triple with AX or DIVAN here. There's also VIXENS/POCKS for 45. Digging into the bag is interesting, with two blanks out there and a 3x3 open.
>Ruth_Hamilton: ?EGNOOR 11D ORGONEs +76 216
>Evans_Clinchy: DEINSVW 13K WIN.E +49 320
#note Maybe VAW for the leave and the defense? But I like points.
>Ruth_Hamilton: BEM 15L BE.M +33 249
>Evans_Clinchy: ?ADEISV 3C SpAVI.ED +76 396
>Ruth_Hamilton: ATTU 2B TAUT +13 262
>Evans_Clinchy: BHMORSU 1A HUB +31 427
#note Another bingo miss! HOMBURGS. So bad.
>Ruth_Hamilton: OP 4D OP +17 279
>Evans_Clinchy: MORRSTY 12C MY +24 451
#note MOTORY# is a cool word that I didn't know.
>Ruth_Hamilton: GIV 10B VIG +22 301
>Evans_Clinchy: EIORRST 13A ROISTER +82 533
>Ruth_Hamilton: AELNOOT 5B TONAL +25 326
>Evans_Clinchy: CEEFHS 14F FEHS +33 566
#note FECES is the superior play I missed, which is ironic because it's what I played like in this game.
>Ruth_Hamilton: EO 6B OE +10 336
>Ruth_Hamilton: (CE) +8 344