Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_Ridout Matthew Ridout
#player2 Travis_Green Travis Green
>Matthew_Ridout: LOOOTUZ H6 OUZO +26 26
>Travis_Green: AQTU 6F QU.TA +36 36
>Matthew_Ridout: AGLNOOT 5J NOG +10 36
#note GON(Z)O best. My play.... not best. Far away from best.
>Travis_Green: AEW I8 AWE +30 66
>Matthew_Ridout: ?ALORTV 11H LeVATOR +74 110
#note best
>Travis_Green: CEIOPS O6 COPIES +40 106
>Matthew_Ridout: LMTTUUY N10 T.ULY +24 134
#note best
>Travis_Green: IR L3 RI. +8 114
>Matthew_Ridout: AHKLMTU 13L HU.K +22 156
#note HELP! Why is HULK 7J sooo much better my play (simmed 11th, 4%les to win, valuated at 8 fewer pts.)? Is it as simple as not opening an extra bingo lane after opp seemed to fish a/o my leave being a little vowel-heavier?
>Travis_Green: I F6 .I +11 125
>Matthew_Ridout: AEILMTT 2J MATTE +31 187
#note best
>Travis_Green: ?AIRSVY 3D VARSItY +70 195
>Matthew_Ridout: CFIJLNR H1 FL.C +36 223
#note FLI(T)CH L8 a mite better than mine
>Travis_Green: EEGI H11 .IEGE +21 216
>Matthew_Ridout: DEEIJNR D1 JI.ED +48 271
#note HELP! I'm a little surprised JEE G9 valuates at 9 pts better than mine, only scoring 2 pts better. Is ENR leave just so non-synergetic?
>Travis_Green: EHO G9 HOE +34 250
#note maybe it was more about not giving opp the chance at the spot...
>Matthew_Ridout: AEFGNNR O1 FRAG +38 309
#note HELP! Q reallyl, really didn't like my ENN leave. F(A)NE E2 simmed best. Mine was eighth, 3% worse to win, and 6 valation pts worse. But mine scores 11 pts better...
>Travis_Green: EP O13 .EP +32 282
>Matthew_Ridout: BEILNNS C4 BEN +12 321
#note Was unfamiliar with BLENNIES. BENNIS 8A was much better than my putrid offering anywho.
>Travis_Green: DDR 13G R.DD +9 291
#note Bad luck for him. He confirmed later his rack had been vowelless.
>Matthew_Ridout: EEILNSX 8H ..X +19 340
#note Words fail to describe this word failure. ILEXES.
>Travis_Green: AEIMRST B5 MISRATE +73 364
>Matthew_Ridout: BEEILNS 15B BEELIN.S +61 401
#note simmed best, even though (T)ENSIBLE M3 scores 28 pts better
>Travis_Green: ADINOOW 14A DAWN +31 395
#note I recorded i made NANS for 5 to go out, must've misrecorded something
#rack1 ANN