Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_Ridout Matthew Ridout
#player2 Victoria_Bledsoe Victoria Bledsoe
>Matthew_Ridout: AEJOOSX H7 JO +18 18
#note JOE a mite better
>Victoria_Bledsoe: LOPY I5 PLOY +25 25
>Matthew_Ridout: ABEOSWX J6 OW +24 42
#note BOWS best. BOXES and WAXES for 40+ also better. Mine 6th.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: DFI G8 FID +17 42
>Matthew_Ridout: ?ABERSX 11A BRAXiES +88 130
#note BoRAXES better by slimmest of margins
>Victoria_Bledsoe: AZ 10C ZA +31 73
>Matthew_Ridout: EIMNRTV D9 M..I +26 156
#note VERB clear winner. Mine best of the rest.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: AVW K4 VAW +24 97
>Matthew_Ridout: AELNRTV A11 .RAVE +33 189
#note VERBAL clear winner. Mine as a standalone 2nd
>Victoria_Bledsoe: CELNRUU 10G .OUT +7 104
#note I challenged this, a new four. I wasn't sure either way, but had a homeless bingo on my next rack. I'm lucky she didn't happen to be familiar with OUTBRAVE.
>Matthew_Ridout: AEGLNTT - +0 189
#note Unsuccessful challenge (LEGIT best.)
>Victoria_Bledsoe: EL 13A .LE +6 110
>Matthew_Ridout: AEGLNTT E10 G.T +18 207
#note LEGIT was just better than mine. The homeless bingo was GANTLET.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: EEEGNRT L5 GERENTE +69 179
>Victoria_Bledsoe: EEEGNRT -- -69 110
>Matthew_Ridout: AEELNOT 4K .OE +12 219
#note VOLANTE best. Mine 7th.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: EEEGNRT 11I NEG +12 122
>Matthew_Ridout: AABELNT L6 NAB +15 234
#note VAN best. Mine 4th.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: EET 8L .EET +18 140
>Matthew_Ridout: AEFILQT 9F Q. +11 245
#note Simmed best
>Victoria_Bledsoe: CLU N5 CLU. +8 148
>Matthew_Ridout: AEEFILT 9L EF +24 269
#note FIE 3M best. Mine 3rd.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: EENNRST 14C TENNERS +61 209
>Matthew_Ridout: AEEILOT H12 AE.O +15 284
#note LEI 15G best. Mine 4th.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: HY G13 Y.H +27 236
>Matthew_Ridout: ?ADEILT M2 DI. +8 292
#note LAID 3L bes before running iterations. After 1000 iterations, UNITS I10 appears best.
I felt like my rack was strong enough that I should not risk her bingoing from O8 and not have a place for my own likely future bingo. Still, DIE sacrificed points, and so only simmed 6th.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: IKNO 12K OINK +19 255
>Matthew_Ridout: ?AEHLNT 15D HA +20 312
#note ALPHA 5G best. Mine just 9th, but there was little difference in the whole pack
>Victoria_Bledsoe: IMSU O12 SUMI +31 286
>Matthew_Ridout: ?DELNST K11 ..LD +6 318
#note LED N1 best. Mine 7th, yet close.
Even with the tile sunseen to me being vowel-heavy, I wanted to hang on to my E. With the case blank in hand, i knew I had a big advantage even if I never bingo'ed.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: CIT 10M TIC +13 299
>Matthew_Ridout: ?AEINST 2F SINuATE. +62 380
#note DEISM 14K looked best before running interations. After, INSTATED simmed best, with my bingo still off the board. Why? She could have playable AIRDROP (or PRURIGO, tho Q didn't know it since doesn't have new words like GI loaded). She can't bingo against INSTATED.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: OPU 1F UPO +27 326
>Matthew_Ridout: AIRR 14K .IRA. +16 396
#note Simmed best
>Victoria_Bledsoe: DGIR - +0 326
#note Unsuccessful challenge
>Matthew_Ridout: R 9K R.. +6 402
#note IRK a point better
>Matthew_Ridout: (DGIR) +12 414