Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Alex_Tan Alex Tan
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Alex_Tan: IJZ H7 JIZ +38 38
#note A win here could secure the title!!!!
>Peter_Kougi: AAEHORT I6 HAO +19 19
>Alex_Tan: EIMNTU J6 MINUET +42 80
>Peter_Kougi: AADERTY K10 DATARY +27 46
>Alex_Tan: OO J14 OO +13 93
>Peter_Kougi: CDEEVWW 13J W.VED +30 76
>Alex_Tan: FI 9F FI. +16 109
>Peter_Kougi: CELNOUW 15F UNCL.. +33 109
>Peter_Kougi: CELNOUW -- -33 76
#note Unsure of UNCOWLED. UNCLOYED is good as an adjective
>Alex_Tan: EGI L11 GI.E +27 136
>Peter_Kougi: CELNOUW 15G UNC.. +30 106
>Alex_Tan: EF F8 E.F +17 153
>Peter_Kougi: AELOSTW N10 WAL.O +34 140
>Alex_Tan: HOR O8 RHO +23 176
>Peter_Kougi: AEIMRST N2 MISRATE +74 214
>Alex_Tan: ARX M1 RAX +42 218
>Peter_Kougi: ALLOPRS 1H PARLO. +27 241
#note PALLOR
>Alex_Tan: IQ O1 QI +38 256
>Peter_Kougi: BDILNST 8A BINDL. +33 274
>Alex_Tan: ?EEGGRT C2 GREETi.G +72 328
>Peter_Kougi: ?ADISTT 3A TA.DIeST +59 333
>Alex_Tan: ENNUV 5A UN.VEN +18 346
>Peter_Kougi: ELNOOSS 4B N.E +23 356
#note Saw BOONLESS but I didn't need to take a punt on a word I was unsure of
>Alex_Tan: BEY 2E BYE +34 380
>Peter_Kougi: AELOOSS 6B S.ALE +29 385
#note This and OOS 10A are the only wins apparently
>Alex_Tan: CEIKPU M6 KIPE +26 406
>Peter_Kougi: OOS 11D OOS +16 401
#note I WIN!!!! gg c u next year. na srsly tho what a luckbox
>Peter_Kougi: (CU) +8 409
Player 2
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