Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Ryan_Burgess Ryan Burgess
>Noah: EIIMNSU 8G MI +8 8
#note Duh! Exchange IU or all placements of MUNI.
>Ryan_Burgess: DIOORT I6 TOROID +14 14
>Noah: AEINNSU 11I .UN +8 16
#note Sim likes ENNUI. After that is ANI, and then...(M)UN??
>Ryan_Burgess: AEGUZ F7 GAUZE +41 55
>Noah: AEIMNSV E11 MAVIN +28 44
#note VIMEN, which I actually think I might have seen, is best.
>Ryan_Burgess: EIQTU L8 QUITE +53 108
>Noah: ABEOSSS 12C OB.S +28 72
>Ryan_Burgess: AHIT 15A THAI. +27 135
#note I held on this for awhile. It is a phony.
>Noah: ?AAELSS B6 ALiASES +67 139
#note I thought of AtLASES, then thought it put the blank on the TLS. Then I put down ALiASES and said to myself, before hitting the clock, AtLASES is better, but for some reason had a weird compulsion not to change them. cALESAS, which I didn't know, is best.
>Ryan_Burgess: LLV 8A V.LL +21 156
>Noah: EEEINXY C3 NIXY +33 172
#note Um... N(I)X is the play for people who have more than an ounce of board vision.
>Ryan_Burgess: AJOT E4 JOTA +25 181
>Noah: DEEEOPR A1 DEEPER +42 214
>Ryan_Burgess: ER 13C RE. +20 201
>Noah: EEFNORW B2 FRO +30 244
#note FROW! I really need to look longer!
>Ryan_Burgess: IPR M7 RIP +27 228
>Noah: CEEENRW 6I .WEE +15 259
>Ryan_Burgess: ABO 5J OBA +25 253
>Noah: ACEENRT N1 CENTARE +74 333
>Ryan_Burgess: GGNO O7 GONG +22 275
>Noah: HIKOTUY 1L YU.K +51 384
>Ryan_Burgess: DF J10 F.D +28 303
>Noah: ?HIIOST 4J HOT +32 416
#note I didn't even look for bingos. Why? I would have immediately found HOISTI(N)g, and THIOnI(N)S soon after that. Why oh why didn't I look!
>Ryan_Burgess: ACDELNW 3G CLAD +22 325
>Noah: ?IIS H1 pI.IS +15 431
#note Equally point giving, but ubercooler, is the great CIvISM.
>Noah: (ENW) +12 443