Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Mike_Frentz Mike Frentz
#note I wanted a defensive board and felt that this was more likely with the double consonants blocking on the left.
>Mike_Frentz: OZ J6 ZO. +32 32
>JD: ACDELRU K5 CAR. +29 47
>Mike_Frentz: IX 7G XI +22 54
#note whoa, UNLED is really a word?
>Mike_Frentz: ?ILOOSU 9B fOLIOUS +66 120
>Mike_Frentz: GHOU E2 GHOU. +18 138
#note I was specifically trying to save for the -ING spot on column A. I could also keep AIN or IN.
>Mike_Frentz: NO D3 ON +13 151
>JD: EEFIMNN C1 FEN +24 119
#note this doesn't sim very well because by playing FEN at C1 I make it more likely that mike will play to the triple word score and block! just EF at 10A sims 5 points better.
>Mike_Frentz: ADEIMNT F8 D.MINATE +69 220
>JD: EEIIMNY 12C MEI.Y +20 139
>Mike_Frentz: AEEJ 15C AJE. +19 239
#note mike passed up JEFE to make this play!!
>JD: ?EIKLNT A1 KEtTLIN. +89 228
#note oh no, this is a phony!
>Mike_Frentz: IS 13C IS +14 253
#note this play is bad news - he probably has at least one or both of the remaining esses
>JD: BEERRUV B1 ER +20 248
#note in retrospect, I think this is a huge mistake. if mike has one or both esses, then it is in my best interest to create new lanes that I can use that don't require an S. therefore, quackle's suggestion of CUB. I was reluctant to open because IS suggested a huge rack, but the new hook doesn't affect his bingo chances that much, whereas it pushes me from bingoing 0% of the time next turn to 25% of the time!
>Mike_Frentz: W G5 W.. +13 266
>JD: BEIRRUV 11E B. +16 264
#note the best play is still CUB!
>Mike_Frentz: DI B5 ID +16 282
>JD: EIRRUVW 13B W.. +6 270
#note I thought I was being pretty clever here, since there are only two tiles left that go here. but quackle suggests just offloading my worst tiles by playing GUV. I like that too - that way, if mike plays off the I or the Y, I can go ahead and play WIS on a future turn, and the setup will be much more powerful.
>Mike_Frentz: CDEISST A12 CITE +34 316
#note mike plays even more defense, passing up DISSECT to block!! he figured that he has all the remaining useful tiles anyway. quackle likes EDICT though.
>JD: EEIRRUV 5K .RU +5 275
#note the move I should've made long ago, except I must play CUR because CRUE# is CSW!! yikes...
>Mike_Frentz: ADOOSST 14F .OSTADOS +61 377
>JD: AEEIRRV 15L RIVE +29 304
#note quackle gives RIVE a nonzero winning change - if mike ends up stuck with the Q and I draw VERTEBRA or something, maybe the comeback is possible
>Mike_Frentz: AGQ M4 Q.AG +16 393
>JD: AEEEPRY 13I EYE +18 322
#note I went over on time. actually though this is almost the best play, PAYED at K10 is one point better, threatening ERE at L10 to go out.
>Mike_Frentz: ABHRTTV O11 BRAV. +11 404
#note he should play HA
>JD: AEPR 2E .RAPE +10 332
#note gah ran out of time. 334-404
>JD: (HTT) +12 344
Player 2
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