Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Chris_Mazzuca Chris Mazzuca
>Noah: EEGINPR 8D PEERING +76 76
#note PREEING is a little better. Of course, to make this decision, I have to know PREEING and SPEERING. I know neither.
>Chris_Mazzuca: QUY F6 QU.Y +36 36
>Noah: AEINOOT G6 IN.O +26 102
>Chris_Mazzuca: ADIO D8 .ODIA +16 52
>Noah: ABEORTZ 11C B.Z +28 130
#note Yes, I saw stuff like AZO, but I somehow figured this would be better. I wonder how. BOATER is the nice overlap that is the best play. Also excellent is stuff like AZO and (G)AZEBO.
>Chris_Mazzuca: EMU F11 EMU +20 72
>Noah: ADELORT H8 .DOLATER +87 217
>Chris_Mazzuca: BOSTT H2 BOTTS +20 92
#note Why not at the bottom instead?
>Noah: AEEOTWX I1 WAX +42 259
#note In SOWPODS, just to confuse everyone, I'd play WEX or WOX.
>Chris_Mazzuca: EF G3 FE +28 120
>Noah: AEEORRT J1 ER +16 275
#note (W)ATERER is clearly best. Quackle also likes ORATE, and OR better than ER. I think I knew AEERT>AEORT.
>Chris_Mazzuca: IJ J6 JI. +27 147
>Noah: AACERTT K2 TACT +18 293
#note Whoops. I was thinking of ABDR
>Noah: AACERTT -- -18 275
>Chris_Mazzuca: DIIRSV C3 VIRIDS +35 182
>Chris_Mazzuca: DIIRSV -- -35 147
>Noah: AACERTT C9 TA.ARET +28 303
#note This is interesting. She challenges, I challenge, then I get a play which is much better than my last even if it were good. However, the bingo TRACTATE, which I didn't know, plays.
>Chris_Mazzuca: DIIRSV I11 IRID +16 163
>Noah: ?ACEEHP 15A PA.H +39 342
#note Holy...Did I just miss PA(T)CH!!!! That is not the best play(although I DEFINITELY should have seen it). The best is the beautiful PECH at J11, I won't be too hard on myself for missing that, since I didn't know PECH very well (although I have studied it) But wow, PATCH, I really suck.
>Chris_Mazzuca: ERV 11H ..VRE +16 179
>Noah: ?CDEEKL 14B K.EL +33 375
#note I know, your all thinking "Gee Noah, missing those top 18000-20000 bingos, what a schlub." This time, a pair of unknown bingos, DECKELs and DECKLEs.
>Chris_Mazzuca: AIOSV M8 AVISO +21 200
>Noah: ACDEINU 8L C.DI +30 405
#note Quackle really likes UNCIA. I don't, I think that this is fine. After all, she's bound to have esses (probably all three), this makes me like the good score of CADI.
>Chris_Mazzuca: LSY 13M SLY +30 230
>Noah: ?AEFMNU - +0 405
#note Why again, did I challenge this? It gives me a better play.
>Chris_Mazzuca: FMU 4D FUM.. +20 250
>Noah: AEGNTUW O12 W.TE +42 447
#note This play, to be exact.
>Chris_Mazzuca: INO 3C ION +13 263
>Noah: AGGHLNU O3 LAUGH.NG +64 511
>Chris_Mazzuca: ??CENNS B2 SCaNNEr +74 337
#note I challenged both. I wouldn't have challenged either within the game though. For the record, SCuNNEr would have been cooler.
>Chris_Mazzuca: (AEOO) +8 345