Player 1 |
#player1 jd jd
#player2 cesar cesar
>jd: IIIII -IIIII +0 0
>cesar: AAEGMYZ 8G MAZY +36 36
#note considered doing gamay here but didn't even think of gamey. MAZY is still probably best, more defensive.
>jd: CHL J7 L.CH +20 20
>cesar: AEFGJMP 7F JAM +22 58
#note lost like -10 here by not seeing the far superior GAMP. JAM at 9E is also worth considering for the D.
>jd: ?DEEENS 10E ENmES.ED +63 83
>cesar: BDEFGNP 11K FED +27 85
>jd: BDOY 12L BODY +43 126
>cesar: AABGNPT O8 BANT. +30 115
>jd: IIIII -IIIII +0 126
>cesar: AGINPQW 6G PAW +20 135
#note -0.5 E8 AWEING is worth thinking about, going for a big QI, etc.
>jd: UX 11E XU +38 164
>cesar: AGINQRT N7 QAT +18 153
#note quackle suggests -Q , but it's all close. 13J QAT sims better. -1
>jd: EEILR H10 .ELIER +21 185
>cesar: GINORRT 13J NITRO +28 181
#note -0.5, just fishing 9D OR.. maybe after his move too. so crazy.
>jd: EILOU 5H LOUIE +21 206
#note i never win games like this; he'll get to the blank first.
>cesar: AGIORRW 4K ARROW +30 211
>jd: IOO 12G O.IO +6 212
>cesar: DGGILPT 14D PIGG.D +15 226
#note i already know i'm not going to draw the blank, what's the point?
>jd: AEHT 15A THAE +29 241
>cesar: AELRSTV E9 V.. +13 239
#note i... there are no words. (-42.5)
>jd: ?AEIRSU 3H kAURIES +76 317
>cesar: AELRSTT 12C LAT +20 259
#note if this was two weeks later i have rattlers to keep it close
>jd: FIK B10 KIF +27 344
>cesar: EEEORST H1 EE. +6 265
>jd: N 1G N. +2 346
>cesar: CEORSTU 14L SECT +37 302
>jd: GIINOSV 2F VO. +16 362
>cesar: ORSU 13B SO +19 321
>jd: GIINN F2 .IG +7 369
>cesar: RU 4D RU. +8 329
>cesar: (INN) +6 335