Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
#player2 Emil_Rem Emil Rem
>Matthew_Larocque: ENNOOOS 8H ONO +6 6
>Emil_Rem: ACELOPU 9B COPULAE +65 65
>Matthew_Larocque: AEEENOS - +0 6
#note A knee-jerk challenge, I should have thought a little longer because afterwards it sort of came back to me that I had seen this before. Emil is one of the few people that plays as many phony words as I do, though.
>Emil_Rem: BIN 10E NIB +17 82
>Matthew_Larocque: AEEENOS 11G OE +7 13
#note Yikes. Not knowing the S-hook is a problem here, but this leave is still too vowel heavy for a fish like this. Getting desperate early, I guess.
>Emil_Rem: AENOT 7G ATONE +15 97
>Matthew_Larocque: AEENOSY 6I YO +18 31
#note Maybe Emil doesn't know it, either.
>Emil_Rem: ?EIIRRZ L7 RItZIER +88 185
#note Maybe he doesn't need to know it.
>Matthew_Larocque: AEEINRS 13L .E +4 35
#note I need to increase my ability to anagram, because this game is looking pretty sad. I should have at least played (Z)A instead. F-
>Emil_Rem: ADQSU N10 QUADS +74 259
#note Face. Palm.
>Matthew_Larocque: AEIMNRS O7 MARINES +101 136
>Emil_Rem: HOT K11 HOT +30 289
>Emil_Rem: HOT -- -30 259
#note I know I'm sucking this game, Emil, but I do know SOME words. No need to get all cocky on me.
>Matthew_Larocque: AEEFGJT 10J FE. +23 159
#note I didn't like N6 JET because it really locks the board down. Maybe JEFE in the same spot, though. Or maybe something like FA/AM to set up JETE. Probably better to just ditch the J.
>Emil_Rem: HOT 12H HOT +19 278
>Matthew_Larocque: AEGJT N6 JET +32 191
#note Missed rack. Think I conceded playing this because nothing else scored and I'm gonna lose anyways.
>Emil_Rem: EHLOR B9 .HOLER +38 316
>Matthew_Larocque: AGITTWY - +0 191
#note Yuck. I have the A hook for this too! I didn't know CHOLER was a word.
>Emil_Rem: KNSU 15B SUNK +21 337
>Matthew_Larocque: AGITTWY 6C WITTY +18 209
#note Time to get this game over with.
>Emil_Rem: AW K5 AW. +21 358
>Matthew_Larocque: ADEGMPX L1 MAXED +39 248
#note I can score 48, but I was too focused on just blowing things open for some miracle scoring spree.
>Emil_Rem: DGI M2 GID +34 392
>Matthew_Larocque: ?GGPTUV 12A P.UG +20 268
>Emil_Rem: AFS N1 FAS +30 422
>Matthew_Larocque: ?ABCGTV D3 VAT.C +20 288
>Emil_Rem: IL E4 LI. +12 434
>Matthew_Larocque: ?BEEGIN F3 BEN. +12 300
#note I didn't know BEIGNES or SCOPULAE, that sure would have made this a closer game.
>Emil_Rem: AR O1 AR +26 460
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EGI G2 GIE +14 314
#note Just go out, seriously.
>Emil_Rem: DILRV F9 ..VID +15 475
>Matthew_Larocque: ? 3K a... +10 324
>Matthew_Larocque: (LR) +4 328