Game Details
Player 1
#player1 George_Macaulay George Macaulay
#player2 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
>George_Macaulay: AAGG 8G GAGA +12 12
>Matthew_Larocque: AGKNOOO 7F OAK +18 18
#note No standout plays. 9F KOA is probably better because of the defense even though it scores 14. Sim likes 9J GOOK, the K prevents him from reaching the TWS.
>George_Macaulay: AM 6E AM +20 32
>Matthew_Larocque: AEGNOOT 9H TOGA +20 38
#note Macaulay is probably going to bingo next turn. TOGA takes an E hook which is never good but like I said it doesn't really matter. Sim suggests D3 GENTOO but that still leaves him with easy bingo lines.
>George_Macaulay: ADENRST 10H STANDER +82 114
#note But he has no need for easy bingo lines!
>Matthew_Larocque: BEENOOS 9M BOO +17 55
#note I should probably takes the points here and hope to keep scoring - I guess I felt strongly at the time that I needed a quick bingo.
>George_Macaulay: EX L10 .EX +22 136
>Matthew_Larocque: EENNRSW 5C WEN +16 71
#note Unfortunately I did not draw a bingo. Stupid W, get out of here. RENEW is 29, I should probably play that, but I was obsessed with keeping a strong leave to keep my bingo chances high.
>George_Macaulay: CDEYZ O4 ZYDEC. +93 229
#note Ouch - I could feel the game being CRUSHED as he played this.
>Matthew_Larocque: EIMNRST - +0 71
#note Part of the reason I challenged was that I was currently holding the high non-bingo with PREZ for 75, until this came down. I was also in huge trouble and the word wasn't solid in my mind.
>George_Macaulay: OV C3 VO. +18 247
>Matthew_Larocque: EIMNRST D4 M.N +23 94
#note Frustrating that none of these sevens play anymore, but I had the eight MISENTR(Y). I need to open up instead of playing this which does nothing for me.
>George_Macaulay: II -II +0 247
>Matthew_Larocque: DEINRST 4L DIT. +28 122
#note lol @ playing off my S for 31 points. RE(E)D sets up my S in a way that is hard to deal with.
>George_Macaulay: EHV M3 H.VE +20 267
>Matthew_Larocque: CEEERSU 12K E.EC +13 135
#note Now I'm stuck with trash because I didn't open up earlier. I'm not blocking the S-hook on HIVE,
>George_Macaulay: ABF 2B FAB +26 293
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EILRSU 2H RULIESt +77 212
>George_Macaulay: ?AENPRT 13E ARPENTs +63 356
#note George bringing the hammer down for good.
>Matthew_Larocque: EILLOTU 14A OUTLIE +22 234
#note Time to get really nuts.
>George_Macaulay: FRW A12 FR.W +42 398
>Matthew_Larocque: ILLOPSU 15F PULI +23 257
#note I cannot explain why I did not play POILU instead.
>George_Macaulay: EINTUY C9 TENUI.Y +22 420
>Matthew_Larocque: AHJLORS O12 SOJA +51 308
#note I'll break 300 so I'll end up looking marginally competent.
>George_Macaulay: IQ 1A QI +38 458
>Matthew_Larocque: DHIILRR B10 HI +28 336
>George_Macaulay: EINOS 1H ONE +19 477
>Matthew_Larocque: DILRR 11B ..DRI +12 348
#note (BE)D(E)L.
>George_Macaulay: IS 7L IS +16 493
>George_Macaulay: (LR) +4 497
#note I was scored as 350. I really needed to bingo sooner this game, but honestly, who would have predicted ZYDEC(O)? That was just the worst. And that stupid *WENNERS rack. Useless W. Actually the rack EENNRS? only bingos with 3 letters - APT. But that's no excuse for the W being the W.
Player 2
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