Player 1 |
#player1 Victoria_Bledsoe Victoria Bledsoe
#player2 Matthew_Ridout Matthew Ridout
>Victoria_Bledsoe: MOW 8G MOW +16 16
>Matthew_Ridout: AAEHKNV J6 VAN +23 23
#note KNAVE J7 Mine 6th
>Victoria_Bledsoe: LMU 7F LUM +15 31
>Matthew_Ridout: AAEEHKR 9H AE +14 37
#note KEA E5 I falt out forgot the A hook for LUM for a bit. My play was off the board.
>Victoria_Bledsoe: GILRS E3 GIRLS +18 49
>Matthew_Ridout: AEFHKRY 4D F.ERY +30 67
#note FAKE D2 My play a distant 10th
I even looked for something like FAKE, but misbrained*
>Victoria_Bledsoe: ITZ 10F ZIT +38 87
>Matthew_Ridout: AAEEHKU 3G EAU +13 80
#note KEA 11E
Mine was 2nd
>Victoria_Bledsoe: AD 11E DA +17 104
>Matthew_Ridout: AEEHJKR 6B JAR. +27 107
#note JAKE 12B
Mine 3rd
>Victoria_Bledsoe: BR H1 BR.. +27 131
>Matthew_Ridout: EEFHIKO 3C KE. +21 128
#note Type a note here!KE(R)F 5C
My play was 8th
>Victoria_Bledsoe: ?AEESST 12D EASiEST +79 210
>Matthew_Ridout: EFHIOTX 7A FOX +47 175
#note FIX 13B
I knew my placement was dangerous, but couldn't resist the extra 12 pts
>Victoria_Bledsoe: EGOY A7 .OGEY +36 246
>Matthew_Ridout: EEHINOT B10 HOE +32 207
#note simmed best
>Victoria_Bledsoe: ANTU 11I AUNT +12 258
>Matthew_Ridout: CEIINTV 13J EVICT +23 230
#note INVI(T)E L7
Mine 5th
>Victoria_Bledsoe: BI 10J BI +24 282
#note play was undercounted by 2
>Matthew_Ridout: DEILNOP C5 P.. +12 242
#note PON(T)IL N10
Given the margin, I opted to fish, most likely route for bingo being through that T
My play was 5th
>Victoria_Bledsoe: HN L11 .H.N +14 296
>Matthew_Ridout: DEILNNO N6 INDOLEN. +63 305
#note (B)LONDINE 1H 60% to win
Mine 43 %
>Victoria_Bledsoe: AEGPR 15H GRAPE +36 332
>Matthew_Ridout: ADIILOW 8L DI.O +24 329
#note WA(D)I 8L 31% to win
Mine was 3rd 23% to win
>Victoria_Bledsoe: Q 6M Q. +11 343
>Matthew_Ridout: ?AEIILW B6 ..W +18 347
#note WE 9K Mine was 4th
I saved the E because I figured there was a good chance she was about to hammer from O1 with the case S, meaning I would need a bingo to win. -ABLE felt like my best shot in that event
>Victoria_Bledsoe: DU M6 .U.D +25 368
#note 54 % to win
>Matthew_Ridout: ?AEIILT 1C pITIA.LE +60 407
#note also imitable, sibilate, vitiable (last one was unknown to me)
100% to win now, despite her case S
>Victoria_Bledsoe: CNOORST O1 CROONS +39 407
>Matthew_Ridout: I 10N .I +2 409
#note (AUNT)I(E) best
>Matthew_Ridout: (T) +2 411