Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
#player2 Mike_Willis Mike Willis
>Matt_Canik: ?AENOOS -OO +0 0
>Mike_Willis: AZ 8G ZA +22 22
>Matt_Canik: ?AAAENS 9C ANAtASE +73 73
>Mike_Willis: AJY 8A JAY +44 66
>Matt_Canik: BDFGLTT -BDFGLT +0 73
#note I should play through, apparently, and play D(A)FT.
>Mike_Willis: ADFO 10I FADO +15 81
>Matt_Canik: ILNPPST L9 P.PLIN +20 93
#note Q is an idiot and wants me to play (ZA)P.
>Mike_Willis: ACETX 11E EXACT +34 115
>Matt_Canik: CEGSSTT 13H GEST.C +20 113
>Mike_Willis: DO H13 .OD +15 130
>Matt_Canik: BDHSSTU 12D BHUT +34 147
>Mike_Willis: AO K10 .OA. +20 150
>Matt_Canik: DEEISST 15H .ESISTED +95 242
>Mike_Willis: GI A8 .IG +11 161
>Matt_Canik: ELNORUV 7H VELOUR +17 259
>Mike_Willis: EILLORW M1 LOWLIE. +20 181
#note He said he held an R
>Matt_Canik: ?BINNTU 1L B.IN +27 286
>Mike_Willis: IVY 13B IVY +25 206
>Matt_Canik: ?KMNQTU B11 QU.NT +28 314
>Mike_Willis: EEEOOO -EEEOOO +0 206
>Matt_Canik: ?EFGKMR 5J KEF.R +24 338
#note Q really likes GR(O)K. That's nice.
>Mike_Willis: EHW 3J WHE. +13 219
>Matt_Canik: ?ADGMNR 2D GRaNDMA +69 407
#note MRIDANG(A)!!
>Mike_Willis: EI D2 .IE +8 227
>Matt_Canik: OOORRTU H1 O.OUR +21 428
>Mike_Willis: EEIIMNR 15A I.EM +27 254
>Matt_Canik: ORT C3 TOR +12 440
>Matt_Canik: (EINR) +8 448
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-02-01 13:48:22 Server IP: