Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Dylan Dylan
#player2 Ashley Ashley
>Dylan: AAEEEOR -AEEO +0 0
>Ashley: EIOOOUY 8H MEITH +28 28
>Dylan: AAEFGOR 7G OAF +24 24
>Ashley: DLOOOUY F5 FOLDING +73 101
>Dylan: AEEGRRY 8A GRAYE. +45 69
>Ashley: BOOQTUY 11C QUA. +28 129
>Dylan: ENNOPRS E4 PEN +22 91
#note Missed NEPHRONS! Otherwise, NON E4 sims best.
>Ashley: BCOOTWY C6 BR.W +14 143
>Dylan: ?AENORS K4 mONS.ERA +78 169
#note AMORANCES H7 sims best, but I like MONSTERA because it kills the double-double line.
>Ashley: CNOOTTY D10 P.GH +20 163
>Dylan: EELOTUU C11 .UOTE +41 210
#note QUEUE sims best
>Ashley: CNOOTTY L11 TINCT +18 181
>Dylan: EEEILOU 15J OU.LIE +18 228
>Ashley: DEOOOSY 15A DE.D +24 205
>Dylan: EEIJMTU 13I JEU.E +40 268
>Ashley: IOOORSY M2 CRONIES +81 286
>Dylan: AEILMST 14I AM +30 298
#note Missed METALISE
>Ashley: AELOOSY J2 BWAZI +43 329
>Dylan: EILRSTY H3 STRE..ILY +65 363
>Dylan: EILRSTY -- -65 298
#note RILEY sims best
>Ashley: DELOOSV G11 SOV +25 354
>Dylan: EILRSTY 9E R.LEY +33 331
>Dylan: AADIIST (challenge) +5 336
>Ashley: ADELOVX A1 gAVOTIN. +86 440
>Ashley: ADELOVX -- -86 354
>Dylan: AADIIST 12L .TA +5 341
#note After successfully challenging Ashley, I know his rack and the contents of the bag. I saw he could bonus with NOVATING (A1) or INNOVATE (O8). So I played ITA to block column O for him while opening for myself. If I pick ER or EL, I will have DAIRIES or DAILIES in column O and catch with KXN. Quackle gives this a 21% chance of winning.
>Ashley: ?AINOTV A1 nOVATIN. +86 440
>Dylan: ADEIIRS O6 DAIRIES +82 423
>Dylan: (KLX) +28 451
Player 2
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