Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_Ridout Matthew Ridout
#player2 Betty_King Betty King
>Matthew_Ridout: AINNORX H6 NOIR +8 8
#note AXION 8H
Mine was nowhere near top 10 plays, 15 points worse in valuation
>Betty_King: DEIP 6F PI.ED +18 18
>Matthew_Ridout: ADINNQX 8G Q. +11 19
#note QINDA(R) 9C Mine waswell out of top 10 again, 18points worse on valuation
>Betty_King: AMW 5I MAW +23 41
>Matthew_Ridout: ADEINNX 4J DAN +18 37
#note Out of the top 10 again - INDEX L4
>Betty_King: EOV 3K VOE +23 64
>Matthew_Ridout: EEEINSX 7B EXINE +24 61
#note SEE I8 Mine a close 3rd
>Betty_King: ACELRSS A4 SCALERS +93 157
>Betty_King: ACELRSS -- -93 64
#note Betty later told me she was thinking of LEXEME. I hadn't even thought about the valid hook when I played EXINE.
>Matthew_Ridout: EEILNRS A4 LIERNES +87 148
#note simmed best
>Betty_King: ACER C3 CARE. +28 92
>Matthew_Ridout: AAGIIMO 9F AI. +16 164
#note GO(N)IA E5. Mine out of top 10 again
>Betty_King: EY D4 YE +22 114
>Matthew_Ridout: AAGIMOT 10C OGAM +23 187
#note Type TO(N)G E5
Mine a solid 4th
>Betty_King: FU C9 F.U +10 124
>Matthew_Ridout: ADEIOOT 11F IODATE +19 206
#note Simmed best
>Betty_King: ??AFNSS N1 FASteNS +77 201
>Matthew_Ridout: EKLOOPT O5 TOOK +29 235
#note K(E)EL B6. TOOK was 3rd, and close, to my surprise
>Betty_King: GIT 1L GI.T +30 231
>Matthew_Ridout: CEILLPT 12C LICE +25 260
#note PILL 12A
Mine was outside top 10. I'm nothing if not consistent
>Betty_King: ADGLY L8 GLADY +33 264
>Matthew_Ridout: ELOPRTU E3 REP +26 286
#note (D)ROPT H11
Mine a distant 6th, if justover 50% to win still at least
>Betty_King: SW I5 ..WS +34 298
>Matthew_Ridout: BLOTUUV H11 .OUBT +27 313
#note Simmed best
>Betty_King: ERTU 14F TU.ER +11 309
>Matthew_Ridout: HILRTUV 13H .H +18 331
#note LIR(A) 10I Q lists this has one of several moves that would've put me 100% to win. Mine was further off the board than any play yet. 0% to win, despite being the highest-scoring option.
>Betty_King: JO M5 JO +21 330
>Matthew_Ridout: ILRTUV 10K T.V +8 339
#note LIR(A) 10I again one of several moves Q indicates would've put me at 100% to win. Mine was a stink bomb, 0% again.
>Betty_King: ABHNZ I10 Z. +11 341
>Matthew_Ridout: ILRU 9E L... +6 345
#note tired for best, but 0% to win
>Betty_King: ABHN 15G N.H +17 358
>Matthew_Ridout: IRU 8L .I +3 348
#note R(A)I 2M
>Betty_King: AB M12 AB +13 371
>Betty_King: (RU) +4 375