Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Carol_Johnsen Carol Johnsen
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Carol_Johnsen: IIII -IIII +0 0
>Peter_Kougi: AIINOOP 8D PIANO +20 20
>Carol_Johnsen: ELZ F6 ZE.L +33 33
>Peter_Kougi: ABIOOTU 6F .OBU +15 35
>Carol_Johnsen: ANRW D8 .RAWN +20 53
>Peter_Kougi: AIMORST J1 AMORIST +85 120
>Carol_Johnsen: DEHNSSU 1E SUNSH.DE +89 142
>Peter_Kougi: AACOOTV 4D VACATO. +26 146
#note This is not a word
>Carol_Johnsen: EEGGINR 12B RE.EGING +61 203
>Peter_Kougi: ABEINOS 3I B.OAI +27 173
>Carol_Johnsen: IIII -IIII +0 203
>Peter_Kougi: ?AENNST 10C N.uSEANT +77 250
>Carol_Johnsen: ETX 13A TEX +40 243
>Peter_Kougi: DEMRUUY 13H YUM +18 268
>Carol_Johnsen: AJ A13 .AJ +30 273
>Peter_Kougi: DEFRRUW B11 D..W +26 294
>Carol_Johnsen: DDEFGLO 4L EF +19 292
>Peter_Kougi: AEFORRU A8 FORA +24 318
#note FURORE and FUERO are available, but I wanted to hang on to the U for the Q
>Carol_Johnsen: DDGHLOP 14I DELIgHT +85 377
>Carol_Johnsen: DDGHLOP -- -85 292
>Peter_Kougi: EEGLQRU 2M GEL +15 333
>Carol_Johnsen: ?DEHILT 14G DELIgHT +78 370
>Peter_Kougi: DEKQRTU 15F KED +51 384
>Carol_Johnsen: CEI 15M ICE +17 387
>Peter_Kougi: IOQRTUV L10 QUOT. +34 418
#note QUIRT and QUOIT have a slightly higher winning chance, probably because of LIRIOPE
>Carol_Johnsen: EIILOPR 2F POI +25 412
>Peter_Kougi: IRVY O1 V.Y +27 445
>Carol_Johnsen: EILR M9 LIRE +20 432
>Carol_Johnsen: (IR) +4 436
Player 2
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