Game Details
Player 1
#player1 David_Gibson David Gibson
#player2 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
>David_Gibson: EGM 8G GEM +12 12
>Kevin_Bowerman: BEIIJOO -BIIJOO +0 0
#note BIO(M)E sims a bit better, this is second.
>David_Gibson: ETW 7H WET +17 29
>Kevin_Bowerman: AAAENNR 6H ARENA +22 22
>David_Gibson: DELN 5J LEND +19 48
>Kevin_Bowerman: AGILNRW 4K WAIL +29 51
>David_Gibson: AHO 3M HAO +28 76
>Kevin_Bowerman: AFGNORT O1 FR. +18 69
#note The board is already very closed, and I haven't had much choice for the past few moves. Against Gibson, I need to open this up soon...
>David_Gibson: CEL 1L CLE. +12 88
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEGINOT 9G OE +14 83
>David_Gibson: DEOOPRT F9 TORPEDO +69 157
#note Gibson almost played this with (GO)O, which would have let me 3x3 and him bingo again with FOREDID natural.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ABGINST 15E B.ASTING +89 172
#note Maybe B(O)ATINGS?
>David_Gibson: DDEFIOR 13C FOR.DID +32 189
>Kevin_Bowerman: ABCESYZ 11E C.AZY +38 210
>David_Gibson: ??EKQU 14J QUaKE +109 298
#note He said he had the other blank here as well, he drew KQU?? and one other tile after FOR(E)DID
>Kevin_Bowerman: BEEOSTX O12 BEST +45 255
#note OBESE
>David_Gibson: HU 12D HU. +31 329
>Kevin_Bowerman: EIORVXY 12I IVORY +29 284
#note Champ chooses OX and ORYX, but I hoped to score with the X soon.
>David_Gibson: O M12 .O. +20 349
>Kevin_Bowerman: EGINPTX K9 EXP. +26 310
>David_Gibson: IL L9 LI +13 362
>Kevin_Bowerman: AGIJNRT 14B JAG +34 344
>David_Gibson: ?MS 15A MoS +26 388
>Kevin_Bowerman: AIINRTU 10J I..A +13 357
#note There's no way he doesn't have the S after his last play, but I need to get lucky to win this nmw.
>David_Gibson: E L9 ..E. +8 396
>Kevin_Bowerman: INNRTTU 13M .N. +5 362
>David_Gibson: AEIIOSU - +0 396
#note Passed to avoid the V.
>Kevin_Bowerman: INNRTTU 9J T.. +5 367
#note I realized later that I should have passed back here, to avoid the V as well. The game is already lost.
>David_Gibson: AEIIOSU N10 SI +18 414
#note SO is supposedly best
>Kevin_Bowerman: INNRTUV H13 .N. +3 370
#note NI(SI)
>David_Gibson: AEIOU 9J ...A +8 422
>Kevin_Bowerman: INRTUV - +0 370
>David_Gibson: EIOU N13 ..E +5 427
>Kevin_Bowerman: INRTUV - +0 370
>David_Gibson: IOU - +0 427
>Kevin_Bowerman: INRTUV - +0 370
>David_Gibson: IOU - +0 427
>Kevin_Bowerman: INRTUV - +0 370
>David_Gibson: IOU - +0 427
#note I think B(O)ASTING is the only big mistake I made this game. On a closed board against a closed player I should definitely not open massive scoring spots. Hopefully I can get him next time.
>David_Gibson: IOU (IOU) +-3 424
Player 2
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