Player 1 |
#player1 Chris_Cree Chris Cree
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Chris_Cree: AEFLQTT 8G QAT +24 24
>Morris_Greenberg: ABEFINT 9F FIB +25 25
#note Misscored as 23.
>Chris_Cree: EFIJLTT 7H JILT +27 51
>Morris_Greenberg: AEINRTU 6I TAURINE +70 95
>Chris_Cree: ACEEFIT O1 FACET. +36 87
>Morris_Greenberg: DILLRSU 4J ILLUD. +14 109
#note CC: Morris said I blocked the TWSTWS illuders*. I told him I wish I played elsewhere.
MG: Yeah, I don't know words.
>Chris_Cree: EGIOORZ 2M ZO. +24 111
#note CC: My ZOOIE(R) got blocked for 50.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIORRS 10D ORA +12 121
#note This felt weird at the time, but seems fine. Everything is pretty weak here.
>Chris_Cree: DEGIORV 11F GROVED +29 140
#note CC: This appeared easier of the lines, so I blocked here. Hated breaking up the rack, but saw no play of enough points to justify not doing so.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EIIRSY 10J YE +29 150
>Chris_Cree: DEEINRT 7M TED +23 163
#note CC: ED or TED. I chose TED and the extra 5.
MG: (JILT)ED is also nice. And the extra 5 too!
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EIIRRS C7 RISkIER +69 219
>Chris_Cree: ADEINRS D2 RANDIES +73 236
#note CC: One more point on the other side, but both P's are unseen and only one outstanding B. I wanted to give a relatively inexperienced player a lot to think about if he did not have that B.
>Morris_Greenberg: EIINOOV H11 .VINE +36 255
>Chris_Cree: ELMNSUX 2B MU.EX +60 296
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EIMOOS 1E nOISOME +84 339
#note CC: *very heavy sigh* - ERS? bingo. 42 with E on post-bingo draw, then ES? bingo while I am drawing 4 consonants to go with the 3 I had.
>Chris_Cree: GGLNNPS 12A GL.N +14 310
#note CC: For me it was GL(E)N or P(I)NG. I wanted as much open as possible.
>Morris_Greenberg: ABHKOPU G13 KAB +31 370
#note MG: I chose KAB over KOB because of the OX->OXO hook, and being able to play OUPH there the next turn anyways. Quackle likes this second most, after HUB.
CC: Probably a good reason to have played PING.
>Chris_Cree: ACGNPST 9K PANG +14 324
#note CC: Setting up a hopeful miracle while playing away the N that would be duplicated on rows 4 for an 8 or row 14's AN if I were to hit there. Tried to imagine BE- words, too.
>Morris_Greenberg: EHOPUWY B6 HOW +26 396
#note MG: I am happy I saw this. I was planning for YUP, but it worked out MUCH better than I expected. Quackle slightly (and smartly for most of the time) prefers HEW, so if I draw an S, I get SOUPY, and if I draw an N, I get YOUN(G). Instead, I pull even nicer. Both are over 99% to win.
CC: I do not know Morris' other three letters [besides HOWY], but he makes a neat set up here. If I happened to have hit, he, of course, has the Y for a game winning response.
>Chris_Cree: ACENSTW 9B E. +12 336
#note CC: Typically, one plays away the W with something like W(ORE) to hinder the Y hook. The best odds were drawing an O. I noted that if I played away the E, that would give me SNOWCAT and if there was *any* word my opponent might miss with perfect knowledge of my rack, that would be the one. If I am hoping for an O, his rack would be AEHOPUY. What I hoped I saw was him then playing YOU and I would win by 13. I did not see the huge play, and even if I did, I would have to hope he missed it to pull out the miracle.
MG: As Seth Lipkin wisely pointed out after Chris posted this game online, (WIS)E is a brilliant play that was right in line with Chris' savvy plan, just even better executed. That forces me to see if he Chris any out bingos, instead of sloppily take the points like I did.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEHOPUY A4 HEAPY +92 488
#note CC: Morris saw the huge play, but he wins by more if he blocks me. Understandable though with that monster play. Had I played EH to block HEAPY and he played YUP, I would have lost by 7. So, you just have to give yourself the best shot at winning and, to me, HOWE was it. Had he not known HEAPY and excitedly played YOU, it would have been a 13 point win and the kind of glory over the board that comes along only once in a while, but that is THE reason I play this game.
MG: A really insane ending, and I was just happy to see a win here so I played quickly. It is a good lesson to think through (especially in an endgame) all of the options. AYE O9 nets me 28 more points, to block Chris' monster counterplay. I am lucky it didn't cost me the game to finish sloppily. Overall, I got pretty fortunate draws in this game, but Chris competed the entire way.
>Chris_Cree: ACNOSTW O9 SNOWCAT +106 442
>Chris_Cree: (OU) +4 446