Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
#player2 Noella_Ward Noella Ward
>Matthew_Larocque: ACDINOP 8C APODIC +28 28
#note I knew APODAL, so I thought this had a chance to stay on. ANODIC is the 6 letter word here. Otherwise most plays seem close, CAPO sets up my N.
>Noella_Ward: BDI 9C BID +23 23
>Matthew_Larocque: DHNOPRU 7E HOP +28 56
#note Instead of POH to defend the hotspot.
>Noella_Ward: AFT 10B FAT +24 47
>Matthew_Larocque: DDNRSTU 6C DUST +21 77
#note One change I made to my strategy this tournament was to use my S for points when the board didn't seem too friendly for esses. Especially early on when more esses are still to come. I think it worked out better for me. I thought of DURST but thought I was making it up. Also, TURNS(PIT)!
>Noella_Ward: AELNO 11D ALONE +16 63
>Matthew_Larocque: BDINORV H10 V.RBID +39 116
#note NEVOID/DEVOIR score 42, but I didn't know them. I think I'd rather get rid of the B, though.
>Noella_Ward: IIIII -IIIII +0 63
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EGNOOQ 14G Q. +11 127
>Noella_Ward: LNOW B10 .LOWN +22 85
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EGNOOR 15H .OGgONER +80 207
#note Funny story - I learned this word from Juraj a few tournaments back. He played it in the exact same place! Although his version had the first O as the blank so it scored more. :(
>Noella_Ward: EEK - +0 85
>Matthew_Larocque: EJLMTUV N10 VELUT. +34 241
#note I was pretty sure this was nonsense but the time seemed right for a phony, and it does so many good things that none of the valid plays do. Scores big, gets rid of the V + U and blocks stuff.
>Noella_Ward: EEK C13 EEK +26 111
>Matthew_Larocque: EEJMMNX M12 EX +38 279
#note Missed JE(U)X and I thought about MEM. I noted that I might draw JI(V)E next turn for big points so keeping the J was good.
>Noella_Ward: EET L10 TEE +12 123
>Matthew_Larocque: AEIJMMN A12 JEAN +83 362
#note Wow! This held up for high non-bingo for 10 bucks.
>Noella_Ward: AEORSST K6 OASTERS +74 197
>Noella_Ward: AEORSST -- -74 123
#note I was surprised she even tried this. Then again I've tried some equally stupid things in my tournament past so whatev :P not to mention the two phonies this game. I actually didn't come up with her valid bingos until after the game when I gave it more thought. She didn't know them.
>Matthew_Larocque: AGIIMMW K8 MAIM +26 388
#note This seemed to make it hardest to bingo in this spot.
>Noella_Ward: AEORSST 12A ..SS +44 167
#note Nice play, she can't win now so perhaps taking the 44 helps her spread the most. Tough position for her. Also, why didn't I know ADUST was a word?
>Matthew_Larocque: ?GIILNW C3 WIL. +16 404
#note She dumped her esses so opening isn't that dangerous now.
>Noella_Ward: AEGRTY L4 GRATY +37 204
>Noella_Ward: AEGRTY -- -37 167
#note She could have played TEARY or MEATY or something. Maybe she just got frustrated? She did say she thought this was valid.
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AFGHIN 3C .HArFING +72 476
#note FAITHING scores 90 and AFGHANI scores 83.
>Noella_Ward: AEGRTY L3 GYRATE +27 194
>Matthew_Larocque: IINRRUY 8K ..RRY +30 506
#note Low on time, I play this without hesitation. URIN(A)RY dumps 6 letters!
>Noella_Ward: OOZ M2 ZOO +35 229
>Matthew_Larocque: EIINRSU 2M .IN +24 530
#note Greedy to try and get the high score prize.
>Noella_Ward: AACEITU O1 A.TIC +24 253
>Matthew_Larocque: EIRSU 5J ER.S +21 551
#note RUE(R)S for a slightly higher score.
>Noella_Ward: AEU 13H .EAU +7 260
>Noella_Ward: (IU) +4 264
#note I ended up losing -10, but 541 was still enough for 10 bucks.