Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Tasha_Asberry Tasha Asberry
#note or CWM which I didn't think of
>Tasha_Asberry: DEFIO D8 .OIFED +24 24
>JD: AELMNSW 9C W.MAN +26 50
#note sim prefers MAW at C12 by a couple, if she does play on column B then I should have counterplay, so now I agree
>Tasha_Asberry: ANRSSTV 12C S.RVANTS +62 86
#note quackle slightly prefers AWL at G12, which I didn't consider
>Tasha_Asberry: IQS J10 QI. +32 118
>Tasha_Asberry: EH 10F HE +36 154
>JD: ?ACEJRX F12 .EX +29 179
#note I didn't like burning the blank because I thought I could aim for a J play at 2J, and EJECTA gives back easy plays to the triple. but the alternative is the significant antisynergy of holding the blank and a power tile with no outstanding spots to score with the J or X. 2nd best is JAGER holding CX?. My play gives up too many easy points.
>Tasha_Asberry: AAEIRTV 15A VARIATE +97 251
>JD: ?ACJLPR 8K .CALP +36 215
>Tasha_Asberry: DO H14 OD +45 296
>JD: ?HJMRTU 2J J.HU +30 245
>Tasha_Asberry: EFUZ M1 F.ZE +32 328
>JD: ?MPRTTY L8 .RYPT +24 269
>Tasha_Asberry: EILNTU 14H .UTLINE +18 346
#note nice idea to turn over tiles and block the L and P, but...
>JD: ?ADEMTY 15L DEMY +47 316
#note I missed my tricky bingo here, but this is very close
>Tasha_Asberry: ILOO I6 O.IO +15 361
#note I actually had MARTYRED/FUZED last turn!
>JD: ?ABIIOT 3D lIBATIO. +70 386
>Tasha_Asberry: EIL 11B LI.E +20 381
#note this is a very encouraging move for me because she's playing the last I - I don't have to worry about the GWINE spot and an -ING bingo as much
>JD: ?AAEEKR N2 sAREE +53 439
#note a mistaken pre-endgame because I failed to recognize the possibility of ORGANON if I draw GU out of the bag. In these cases the best thing to do is to write out all the alphagrams and stare at them for a bit. in that case, I would've seen ORGANON and played something to block like BEAK.
>Tasha_Asberry: GGNNORU 6D GONG +17 398
>JD: AAKO H1 KA.A +27 466
>Tasha_Asberry: NRU 12L .URN +5 403
>Tasha_Asberry: (O) +2 405