Player 1 |
#player1 Tom_Bond Tom Bond
#player2 Gunther_Jacobi Gunther Jacobi
>Tom_Bond: ALLMTTX -MLLT +0 0
#note Examining these games from this tournament, I've found I've made some pretty significant errors in regards to exchanging or not exchanging. Here I should play MALT, a move that stood out instantly and was largely set on. Yet then I started to wonder if MALT to a Y and wasn't sure, so my whole thought process became skewed. (MALTY is of course valid). So as a result of this skewed thinking I exchange all but AXT, an unrecognized choice as far as Q's concerned.
>Gunther_Jacobi: BDEGIU 8D BUDGIE +26 26
#note This looked so strange to me, ten times more awkward looking than MADWORT so I didn't even hold I don't think and challenged. Tom told me it was a parrot or something. Good to know...
>Tom_Bond: AIIOTTX - +0 0
>Gunther_Jacobi: OY 7H OY +20 46
>Tom_Bond: AIIOTTX F8 .IXIT +29 29
#note Playing too many games at early deficits due to lost challanges and exchanging errors. The uphill gaze in a sense forces more errors based on a kind of desperation...gotta stay cool and just try to play precisely. DIXIT is correct.
>Gunther_Jacobi: ELZ E11 LEZ +30 76
>Tom_Bond: AAAINOT 6I ANOA +12 41
#note ATONIA in the same spot is better, or even underneath.
>Gunther_Jacobi: EEJ 13B JEE. +40 116
>Tom_Bond: AENQTTU L1 QUANT. +50 91
#note Was torn here wondering if QUANTATE was valid. I smartly took the fifty and moved on.
>Gunther_Jacobi: CHOS 14A COSH +43 159
#note Tom was more or less blitzing me here so far.
>Tom_Bond: ?AELMTW 3K M.W +16 107
#note TWA M2 is right. I thought for a short bit about LAW 7L but thought he'd be likely to cash it in easily. I don't regret MAW. It wins me a turn later anyhow.
>Gunther_Jacobi: ALPS 12D P..ALS +34 193
#note He played this instantly again, most likely holding another S.
>Tom_Bond: ?AEELTW D3 WEtTA.LE +74 181
#note Or STEWABLE.
>Gunther_Jacobi: ABLMS N2 BLAMS +31 224
>Gunther_Jacobi: ABLMS -- -31 193
>Tom_Bond: ACEFIRR C2 CAFE +34 215
#note FE(U)AR 2J!!!! What a beautiful play that would have put me up fifty after being down a huge margin. This was my chance. Instead I make a play 10pts worse and walk into an R trap. Yet this play does win me another turn next play:)
>Gunther_Jacobi: ABLMS E1 BALMS +36 229
>Gunther_Jacobi: ABLMS -- -36 193
#note Hold...
>Tom_Bond: GIIORRR 4G ORIGI. +12 227
>Gunther_Jacobi: ABLMS H11 B.AMS +27 220
>Tom_Bond: OOPRRRT B5 TORPOR +14 241
#note PR(Et)OR is correct and 5A. This will hand out cheap and critical points later.
>Gunther_Jacobi: HIL 13G H.IL +14 234
#note Hmmmmm. This was somehow recorded as 24. I must say that at this point the game was super messy...time pressure, nerves etc. Apparently I didn't confirm his score here which I really should get in the habit of doing, although I think I had two or three minutes left on my clock here.
>Tom_Bond: ?EKNRRV N1 KEN +23 264
#note I put this down instantly. It's apparently Q's top.
>Gunther_Jacobi: DI O1 ID +30 264
>Tom_Bond: ?AFORRV G3 F.R +6 270
#note Missed VAR E2 which is a nice play. Rids me of V while scoring decently and balancing rack. Getting rid of the V is of paramount importance but I couldn't burn anymore time trying to find the way even though the way wasn't difficult.
>Gunther_Jacobi: EIR 6D .IRE +13 277
>Tom_Bond: ?AENOTV E2 VAN +18 288
#note All plays made at this point are bad, just for the record. OVE(R) was the play.
>Gunther_Jacobi: DOU A7 OUD +29 306
>Tom_Bond: ?ENORTV H1 OVE. +26 314
>Gunther_Jacobi: EEGNST K8 GENETS +22 328
>Tom_Bond: DRSTU A1 TURDS +27 341
#note (G)YReD for 39 was the play.
>Gunther_Jacobi: AI 14F AI. +13 341
#note While Quackling this game, it wouldn't allow me to designate the S in TURDS as a blank so five S's will appear on this board. Some type of glitch seems to be occuring with Q.
Final score recorded as 361-343. Perhaps the ugliest and most mistake filled game I've ever had the displeasure of playing. My realistic chances of winning grew thinner and thinner after I missed FEUAR, although there were still chances however obscured, mostly by time pressure, afterward.
>Gunther_Jacobi: (?NY) +10 351