Player 1 |
#player1 David_Whitley David Whitley
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>David_Whitley: EF 8G FE +10 10
>Morris_Greenberg: GIIOQTX 7F QI +18 18
>David_Whitley: ACEILRT I7 ARTICLE +68 78
>Morris_Greenberg: ?GIOSTX 13H G.OTaXIS +80 98
>David_Whitley: AERVW O8 WAVER. +39 117
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AGINRU J3 GUaRANI +70 168
#note INfRUGA(L) 12B scores 2 more, but I prefer this, INFRUGAL leaves the board wide open for David to come back.
>David_Whitley: BETUY 5H BE.UTY +20 137
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEEOPU H12 A.EE +21 189
#note This was a really tough call between A(G)EE, A(G)UE, and UPO 12K. The 12K spot is really dangerous and blocking it should be one of my priorities. I just didn't see how I could easily get out of AEEE ever as a leave though, and thought that there is enough synergy in EOPU to leave it open for 1 more turn and hope David doesn't cash in on it.
>David_Whitley: FGI 14J FIG +32 169
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIJOPU 12L JO +47 236
#note I lucked out here.
>David_Whitley: EZ 14F ZE. +32 201
#note David said he was all set to play ZA 12L before I played JO.
>Morris_Greenberg: ADEIPTU L3 AP.ITUDE +74 310
>David_Whitley: AORTT 4D TORTA +17 218
>Morris_Greenberg: EINNOOO M7 ONO +14 324
>David_Whitley: AIR 15D RIA +15 233
>Morris_Greenberg: DEIMNOS M3 DE. +24 348
#note I decided to pass up bingoing with DOMINES or EMODINS here, since the only way David can really beat me at this point is if he triple-triples. All 3 plays win over 99% of the time according to Quackle FWIW, and likes DOMINES best, the DEY, then EMODINS.
>David_Whitley: BY K10 BY +18 251
>Morris_Greenberg: IKMNOSW 5B KNOW +34 382
>David_Whitley: CEHILLR D9 CHILLE. +24 275
#note David said after the game that he had CHILLER here. He considered LIC(K)ER B2 to fork the board, but envisioned more trouble with me already grooming my rack.
>Morris_Greenberg: DEIMRSS 15L SEMI +33 415
#note I did not know S(CHILLER), fun word! There are better plays using that hook at 8A (SIMS, REMS, MEDS, and DEISMS to name a few), but otherwise, this looks good. I am winning no matter what anyways.
>David_Whitley: DMN 11C M.ND +14 289
>Morris_Greenberg: DEHORSS H3 H.. +8 423
>Morris_Greenberg: DEHORSS -- -8 415
#note Most hilarious word knowledge error of the tournament. I thought both HAB* and SHAB* were words, so I phonied to set up another phony! HAD->SHAD, HAG->SHAG, HAH->SHAH, HAM->SHAM, HAT->SHAT, HAW->SHAW, HAY->SHAY all are things. This is no way shape or form was even close. As Conrad said after he heard about this, "not too shabby"!
>David_Whitley: V M11 V.. +13 302
>Morris_Greenberg: DEHORSS H1 REH..S +33 448
>David_Whitley: AALNNPU B2 PUN.A +26 328
#note PAN(E)L, to block my outs.
>Morris_Greenberg: DOOS 2B .OODS +10 458
#note I completely missed ODO(R)S and DOO(R)S F1, oh well. Otherwise, this game was fairly boring, I got everything.
>Morris_Greenberg: (ALN) +6 464