Player 1 |
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Richard_Ganguet Richard Ganguet
>Morris_Greenberg: AAIILMO 8D AIOLI +12 12
>Richard_Ganguet: ACLW 7C CLAW +21 21
>Morris_Greenberg: ABCLLMR E7 ..RBALL +18 30
#note This is phony, but I thought I could get away with it. CL(AI)M is better though anyways, and doesn't have the added cost of risking my turn!
>Richard_Ganguet: IQ 7H QI +23 44
>Morris_Greenberg: CFGHMRT 11C GR.FT +9 39
>Richard_Ganguet: AIKN 12G AKIN +15 59
>Morris_Greenberg: ?CHIMMS 14A CHIMS +34 73
#note CHeMISM is a beautiful play (that Seth, who was one board over, told me after the game I missed).
I seriously thought this was a valid word. Yeah, I am quite rusty.
>Richard_Ganguet: AEP A12 PA.E +33 92
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AFMSSY J4 MASSiFY +86 159
#note Getting away with AIRBALL* made me a bit more confident I could get away with this.
>Richard_Ganguet: AX K4 AX +40 132
>Morris_Greenberg: ADEENNR L4 NEARED +36 195
>Richard_Ganguet: ?GGINRU 13I sURGING +69 201
>Morris_Greenberg: BEEIIJN O8 JEEIN. +45 240
#note Oh geez, JIN(N)EE or JIN(N)I N10 clearly are better than this. I chose this over JIBIN(G) because there are a ton of E's left, and I don't want to be holding 2.
>Richard_Ganguet: DEZ M3 ZED +44 245
>Morris_Greenberg: BENOOTU N10 BOO. +26 266
#note The really pretty play here that I missed is (B)OUNT(Y). However, I prefer this, as this board is really tight and BOO(N) takes out one of the last few easy scoring spots.
>Richard_Ganguet: AH 13A .AH +27 272
>Morris_Greenberg: ENTTTUY 5G UNT.... +15 281
#note I should probably play TY(R)E 9C this turn for reasons similar to playing BOO(N) last turn. UNT(AXED) will rarely block Richard's best play next turn, whereas TY(R)E will a lot, and leaves the hard to block UNT(AXED) for my following turn.
>Richard_Ganguet: OP 13E .OP +16 288
>Morris_Greenberg: ENTTTVY 9C TY.E +20 301
>Richard_Ganguet: U 9J .U. +7 295
>Morris_Greenberg: ENOOTTV 15C TO +14 315
#note This is following the trend of the previous turns. I now have the very important case N that allows me to play on row 4. I can be patient and block his last scoring spot while I groom my rack for next turn.
>Richard_Ganguet: IORT C3 TORI. +14 309
>Morris_Greenberg: EENOTVW H1 WOVE. +36 351
#note Emptying the bag looks fine here. I am not going to outrun him anyways if he hits a bingo since the score is so close, so just take the points now and hope he doesn't have something like (W)EIRDOES. This is the best play according to Quackle, a bit above 92% win percentage.
>Richard_Ganguet: EIORSUV L11 VU. +14 323
#note 1D VROU(W)
>Morris_Greenberg: DDEEENT 1H .ENDED +12 363
#note I was pretty low on time, so I just slapped this down. DE(CLAW) is better, I didn't notice this gave up the possibility of EROS 2K for 29 points.
>Richard_Ganguet: EIORS 6J .E.S +28 351
#note EROS is a bit better.
>Morris_Greenberg: ET B5 ET +10 373
#note A really tight game with some word knowledge errors/gutsiness, but I played my game well enough to win on a very tight board.
>Morris_Greenberg: (IOR) +6 379