Player 1 |
#player1 Sheldon_Gartner Sheldon Gartner
#player2 Marty Marty
>Sheldon_Gartner: ADEINP 8D PAINED +24 24
>Marty: ?IKMNOR 7F MONIKeR +77 77
#note I just saw this, even before I had seen all of my tiles. While I had one tile left to turn over and look at, I had one of those Joe Edley-like moments where I willed the last tile to be an E, except it was a blank.
>Sheldon_Gartner: EGIOO L2 GOOIE. +14 38
#note So he's probably trying to open up the board and dump some vowels, which I'm still OK with.
>Marty: DIOTTUW 5H OUTW.T +18 95
#note Quackle likes M3 WIT for 26. My play is its fifth choice. And I really don't care to keep a U if I don't have to.
>Sheldon_Gartner: OVX M1 VOX +47 85
#note Good fine. He's keeping the score close for now.
>Marty: ?BCDEIL 4B DECIBeL +77 172
#note This one I just kind of saw too. Not in my cardbox or anything. Although CLImBED would have gotten me 4 more pts.
>Sheldon_Gartner: HWZ E2 WH.Z +38 123
#note He's not going down without a fight.
>Marty: EIOPRSU N5 SOUPIER +73 245
#note This took me a minute to find, because I fixated on whether or not POURIES would have been good. (It's not.) So, I took a minute to decide whether to play this N5 or 9I, but didn't even think about M7 which would have been 13 more points. At this point, I think the game is pretty much locked down.
>Sheldon_Gartner: EF O8 EF +32 155
#note He miscounted this as 30. Didn't notice the error until just now.
>Marty: AAOSTYY 3A YAY +31 276
#note Quackle likes B2 TO(D)AY for 34. But why should open the already open board more? Getting rid of two dreaded Ys in the same play for over 30 pts? There's only one word to desrcibe this... YIPPEE!
>Sheldon_Gartner: AER 2A ARE +25 180
#note Nice overlay; I'll give him that. I should add though that he had gotten a little frustrated by now.
>Marty: AOQSTTT 9C QAT +28 304
#note Seemed like the best choice. Quackle agrees.
>Sheldon_Gartner: DERR D8 ..RRED +18 198
#note So he's trying to open things back up again. Fine.
>Marty: GHOSSTT N2 TO +22 326
#note Quackle no like. I missed A1 HO for 47. Don't worry, I take advantage of that corner later.
>Sheldon_Gartner: EELTU O11 ELUTE +20 218
>Marty: GHIISST M10 HITS +22 348
#note Quackle doesn't like this either. I figure I'd start trying to kind shut off some options for him.
>Sheldon_Gartner: ADEFLNR 13F FLANDER. +64 282
>Sheldon_Gartner: ADEFLNR -- -64 218
#note I knew that FLANDER* was no good, because I've studied LANDER as a stem. So I was pretty confident in this challenge. Okely-dokely. (He doesn't have any bingoes it turns out.)
>Marty: AGGINNS 12D .NG +4 352
#note Once again, Quackle doesn't like it, but it removes some bingoing options.
>Sheldon_Gartner: AEFL L11 FEAL +27 245
>Marty: AGINNSU 15F GUANINS +86 438
#note FEALS* is no good. GUANINS is, and I was about 90% sure about that because I have GUANINE in my cardbox. (Score one for paying attention to definitions.) I think he was scared at this point.
>Sheldon_Gartner: DIJ I12 DJI. +20 265
>Marty: ACEEIOV K9 VIA +28 466
#note Quackle likes 10B VI(R)EO for 32. This is its 6th choice. I knew it was a lousy leave. I was trying to make something work with V(ET) at 12K, so I was fixated on this corner.
>Sheldon_Gartner: AABLMNR 14H M.B +27 292
#note Not a bad play, Quackle's second choice, although he could have played BAL(LO)N(NE) at H1. I don't think anyone shy of an upper-level expert would have found that. If he would have though, he would have been left with AMR, and surely been able to go out.
>Marty: CEEOS 13B CE.E +16 482
#note Saving OS for a great outplay I see at 1A, which I thought about several times over the course of the game, except when I could have gotten 47 for it. Oh well.
>Sheldon_Gartner: AALNR 11B LA.A +14 306
#note I knew this was bs, but it didn't block my great outplay, so I just let it go. (The only valid anagram of AALR is ALAR.) Incidentally, he could have played F3 A(B)A here for 21.
>Marty: OS 1A SO +29 511
#note And we come to my great outplay I'd been saving. And it drew a challenge :)
>Marty: (NR) +4 515
#note So, this was quite the reversal of fortune from the first game. I drew mostly everything, went up early, and couldn't be stopped. Sheldon didn't play poorly, but he just couldn't catch up.