Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Mike_Baron Mike Baron
>Noah: ?AAHISV 8D SHIVA +24 24
#note VIA is also an option. I liked opening the board way open for my blank and because I am playing Mike. Though I haven't played Mike before in a tournament, I know from online play that he likes closing the board down, and does much better on closed than open boards.
>Mike_Baron: AJOT D4 JOTA. +24 24
>Noah: ?AABIMU E8 .ABU +18 42
>Mike_Baron: OX E4 OX +45 69
>Noah: ?AEIMNR H8 .NIMAtER +80 122
#note Wasn't sure whether to play some version of AMbERINA. This seemed fine enough -- the board's going to be very open no matter what.
>Mike_Baron: OTW F4 TOW +34 103
>Noah: EGILNRT 12H .LERTING +72 194
>Mike_Baron: AEOZ N10 ZO.AE +68 171
>Noah: AABDEIR O8 ABA +26 220
#note I probably should've played BAA here. Maybe I didn't think of it? I have a decent lead and column N's openness doesn't matter for me bingoing too much right now, but it will likely be a pesky lane later in the game.
>Mike_Baron: AEPRW K7 PREWA. +22 193
>Noah: DEEIRVY O12 .YRE +31 251
#note Wish I had not autopiloted this play. VEERY 14F is a worthy move to consider. If I can stave off a bingo for a couple turns VEERY should win me the game. Even if he bingos after VEERY it's an even game. I think I made the wrong choice here.
>Mike_Baron: HOQ 7I QO.H +28 221
>Noah: DEIIKLV N4 KEVIL +22 273
#note Also thought about blocking down the bottom ERt lanes with VIED. I didn't think seriously enough about what a column O comeback would do, which is open yet another lane for Mike. This doesn't accomplish enough closing at all. I should do VIE or VIED, probably VIED because 2 points is fine, the D isn't spectacular here, and the pool is good.
>Mike_Baron: CEEEELT L4 LEC.E +25 246
>Mike_Baron: CEEEELT -- -25 221
>Noah: ?DFGISY M11 D.F +35 308
#note I instachallenged, and Mike forgot to put his tiles down, so I accidentally saw them on the way to the computer. Hence my marking his last rack. However, I played the game as if I didn't know these tiles.
>Mike_Baron: CEEEELT L4 LET.E +21 242
>Noah: ?FGISUY G13 IF +13 321
#note This is an interesting choice. The thing is if I do something like FLUKY 4K or GUYS 12B I have a big lead with the blank so I still almost always win, so maybe I just go for spread here. I'm not sure.
>Mike_Baron: ACIP O1 PICA +34 276
>Noah: ?GNOSUY 12B GUYS +26 347
#note Like on this turn I just open another lane because his bingo isn't going to beat me pretty much ever. I could do TOWY but I think opening the other lane is actually a good thing for me. These reasons suggest that I probably should've just done GUYS last turn.
>Mike_Baron: DEEGR K1 GREED +22 298
>Noah: ?INOOOS 1K .OO +5 352
#note I'm legitimately worried about Mike getting a huge G bingo, so I do this. GOO keeps INOS? which is great to bingo with here while seeming to outrun other bingos he might get. However, him somehow getting two bingos could be a problem. I missed ISOGON, which avoids this problem perfectly and probably wins 100% of games.
>Mike_Baron: DNT J11 T.ND +11 309
>Noah: ?EINOSU 2E cOINSU.E +63 415
>Mike_Baron: CEILNRT B8 CLIN.ER +24 333
>Noah: DIMNSU 15A ISM +26 441
>Mike_Baron: T C12 .T +8 341
>Mike_Baron: (DNU) +8 349