Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Tom_Bond Tom Bond
#player2 Noah Noah
>Tom_Bond: COWY 8E COWY +24 24
>Noah: BCINRUV E4 CUBI. +22 22
#note Thought about CURV(Y), didn't seem like it was worth it.
>Tom_Bond: EOZ F8 .OZE +33 57
>Noah: EELNQRV 7D Q. +11 33
>Tom_Bond: EIMOSX 12A MOXIES +50 107
>Noah: EEELNRV C10 VE.ER +30 63
>Tom_Bond: ADEHRSW 11E R.WASHED +114 221
>Noah: DELNNOY A10 LE.ONY +33 96
#note Tough play. I thought about LEMONY, MONY, ONLY 12L. ANNOY, ANYON and DYNODE are also options. I still really like this though. It seems to keep the most comeback friendly board, and it scores and keeps a decent leave.
>Tom_Bond: ?AAAILR B4 mALARIA +68 289
>Noah: AADFIJN J11 .ADJ +31 127
#note Clearly a good setup to make. I need to make something happen this game. Even if I was just going for spread, I think this would still be the right play.
>Tom_Bond: EINRTV 15J INVERT +55 344
>Noah: AADFIMN A7 FA +26 153
#note Unfortunately didn't think of ANIMA here, which I definitely prefer, though I don't think I'm making it back into this game.
>Tom_Bond: KOU L9 KU.O +18 362
>Noah: ADIIMNT N10 MIDAI. +30 183
>Tom_Bond: AEHINST O4 STHENIA +87 449
>Noah: ?EEGNPT H11 .GENT +24 207
>Tom_Bond: GOOP 4K GOOP. +16 465
>Noah: ?BENPSU A1 UNBE +23 230
#note Spread is still worth going for here. I figured keeping as many lanes open for my blank was good, hence not UNBE M12.
>Tom_Bond: ADEFLT M2 FL.ATED +24 489
>Noah: ?INPRSU K1 PUR.INgS +70 300
#note Blech, missed USURPINg. Fortunately, this turned out better.
>Tom_Bond: EGIORTT - +0 489
>Noah: L 13H .L. +5 305
>Noah: (EGIORTT) +16 321
Player 2
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