Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Darrell_Day Darrell Day
#player2 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
>Darrell_Day: ALWY 8G WALY +20 20
>Jim_Burlant: AAADEUV I7 U.VA +12 12
#note I debated whether to exchange or play through and felt 12 points was just enough to justify playing through. Why not UVEA 9E? Never thought of it. UVEA 9E is best. Exchanging 5 keeping DE is also a reasonable choice. This? So-so; UVEA and exchanging are better.
>Darrell_Day: AEEEMNT 9A EMENATE +67 87
>Darrell_Day: AEEEMNT -- -67 20
>Jim_Burlant: ?AAADEI 9H A.A +13 25
#note At least I got this one right. I figured Darrell would play AMA and keep EEENT on his next turn, and I figured that I'd hopefully bingo while he'd be grinding through a vowel overload.
>Darrell_Day: AEEEMNT 10I .MA +25 45
>Jim_Burlant: ?ADEIOU K10 .UDIO +12 37
#note Figuring that I was due to land some consonants after 3 straight vowel overloads, I thought I'd open up while he had a good chance of sitting on a vowel overload of his own. None of my options are great. Best is apparently EAU 11K, followed by exchanging. But watch what happens:
>Darrell_Day: EEENRTX 12F EXTEN.ER +84 129
>Jim_Burlant: ?AEELOT 15E OLEATEs +74 111
#note I should have played this at N6; either way I look at it, the board position is not ideal so I might as well take the extra 2 points at N6.
>Darrell_Day: CLNOOT M8 CONT.OL +20 149
>Jim_Burlant: ADEEMQS 11D DAME +27 138
#note Right idea, wrong execution - Q prefers 11D DEME, presumably due to leave. That said, this did work.
>Darrell_Day: DFI N13 FID +23 172
>Jim_Burlant: AEILNQS D8 QAI.S +50 188
>Darrell_Day: CIRT E6 CRIT +19 191
>Jim_Burlant: EGILNNS 14H LIN. +14 202
#note Now the fun begins. Darrell has shut the board down and I'm drawing into beautiful racks that are absolutely useless on this board. I took the tack of just trying to score. If I wanted to do that, NE O14 might have been a little better.
>Darrell_Day: BEITZ O9 ZIBET +23 214
>Jim_Burlant: EEGNRSY 14B GREY +21 223
#note As I put this down, I felt I'd be okay as long as he didn't have JO in his rack. As for Quackle, it says I was right. This is best, it's 48% to win, and is a much better play than GYRENE 14A for 30.
>Darrell_Day: JO 15A JO +30 244
#note Crud - he's got JO.
>Jim_Burlant: EINNOPS F10 O..N +8 231
#note While it probably wouldn't have altered the outcome, I made a major strategic mistake here. I needed to fork the board on row 6 here; if I was willing to live dangerously, ONCE 6C, or PONCE 6B. The problem was that I was scared. At every juncture he'd had the right rack to either block any openings or hammer me on whatever I put down. I was convinced that if I put down PONCE, his comeback was going to be a row 5 blank bingo, game over. I also thought that if I kept things closed I might still be able to pull things out. PONCE is best here; I let myself get too scared.
>Darrell_Day: H 10F .H +18 262
>Jim_Burlant: EEINPSU 6C PU.E +10 241
#note This is correct, but the game is looking bleak. My last play won 34%; this is best, and it only wins 31.
>Darrell_Day: AS G6 SA. +16 278
>Jim_Burlant: BEGINSV 6I VIBE +22 263
#note With hindsight being 20/20, this was the wrong execution of the right idea. The board has to open up, but VIG would have been better to preserve my E, if I wanted to take my chances in an end game. The sim has an interesting suggeston: it says my best bet is to fish the B at 9C with BAT. Why? R is the most probable tile in the pool, and an R gives me unblockable VERSING. This is 23% to win, BAT wins 27%. My next rack pretty much makes those chances 0.
>Darrell_Day: HP 9B PH.. +13 291
>Jim_Burlant: GNNRSTW L4 GR.W +16 279
#note Unbeknownst to me at the time, Darrell already had the blank. Against an inferred blank, this (which is my best play) barely wins 9%.
>Darrell_Day: EK 4J KE. +8 299
>Jim_Burlant: INNRRST B9 .IRN +8 287
#note This is actually my best play...which is more of a reflection of just how weak my options are. 31% to
>Darrell_Day: ?DEGIOS C13 E.G +19 318
>Jim_Burlant: FNORSTU M1 FUNS +23 310
>Darrell_Day: ?DIOS 2I SODI.m +16 334
>Darrell_Day: (ORT) +6 340
Player 2
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