Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
#player2 Jeremy Jeremy Hildebrand
>Jesse_Day: DEIORSS 8D DOSSIER +70 70
#note This game includes some nifty notes from Jeremy's side of things, so if it appears that I have a split personality, I just forgot to mention that it was his note. Meanwhile, I felt sort of bad for pulling this out of the bag given Jeremy's unbelievable streak of bad lucks to start the tournament, but then he bingoed back so I stopped feeling bad.
>Jeremy: EEILOPT D1 PETIOLE. +78 78
>Jesse_Day: ?AAAHOV C3 AAH +23 93
#note a crazy play to my eyes, but quackle says that LAVA at 6D makes up the ground on AAH and then some! AOV? and AHO? hit bingos about the same percentage of the time, but the difference seems to be that AHO? hits much more high scoring bingos - presumably a lot of them at 7I, and after LAVA maybe at 7G if I luck out. I think LAVA is also good because it takes out the esses, even though I played AAH over there in part to leave the esses. Still very hard to pass up 8 points over the board.
>Jeremy: AGNSTTT 7C T.T +6 84
#note Jeremy: Saw TATT(I)NGS but couldn't pull the trigger. It looked bad. I actually liked *STATT(I)NG better.
>Jesse_Day: ?AEGOQV 3B Q.. +12 105
>Jeremy: AEGNOST 1B SE.TAGON +83 167
>Jeremy: AEGNOST -- -83 84
#note Jeremy: I thought Jesse would accept because of the variety of acceptable bingos around the board. Good call. Jesse: My commentary keeps getting deleted, which is making me angerly! I guess I just knew it wasn't good.
>Jesse_Day: ?AEGOOV J5 OVE.GO +20 125
#note AARGH! This is such a bad play! I've written this five times, but this is bad because: It's phony, it doesn't block all his bingo spots, and I missed OVERGOAD! I suck! Hell, it even gives him another spot for ONSTAGE if he misses the one on the left as I did. Even POOVE is miles better than this monstrosity.
>Jeremy: AEGNOST B5 ONSTAGE +74 158
#note Jeremy: Normally I would challenge here, but I can't lose another turn. Get the bingo down and move on. I thought Jesse might have a D here for*OVERGOD which is phony. Jesse: Surprise! He finds the nice fit for his bingo.
>Jesse_Day: ?ADKORZ A10 ADZ +29 154
#note not a good move. burning the blank for AZIDO has to be the play, but KAZOO is also better for getting rid of the two biggest obstacles to bingoing.
>Jeremy: ELOSTTX 13A EXTOL +38 196
#note Jeremy: So many choices... what to do what to do? Jesse: I like to gamble, but to me he should play it at C10. I might not know EXTOLL or I might not have an L.
>Jesse_Day: ?AIKORU 1A OKA.I +33 187
>Jeremy: BFINOST K10 FOB +21 217
>Jesse_Day: ?AENRRU H4 UNhA.RER +58 245
#note Took me a long time to see anything at all, and I didn't find the one play through the O or the B - AUROREAN. Thought I had INURBANE for a minute. Silly me. He held for a second, but he obviously wasn't going to challenge given that I could make the blank an F.
>Jeremy: IILNSTU 12K .UILT +16 233
>Jesse_Day: ?BDILNW D12 B.W +16 261
#note I looked long and hard at WINDBELL, and it looked very familiar, but it just didn't seem worth staking the game on to me. Still not really sure how I knew it in the first place. Quackle likes BOW as the next best play on win percentage, but with the S out there it's still definitely a risky move. My winning percentages is still at 85% after BOW nevertheless, whereas a pass (i.e. getting WINDBELL challenged off) drops me down to 68%, so I basically needed a 75% chance of WINDBELL being good for it to be right to play it.
>Jeremy: INPSUUY K3 YUP +24 257
#note really didn't deserve to get such a crappy draw after his last play (jd's commentary)
>Jesse_Day: ?CDILNV M9 CIV.L +26 287
#note wow, VINIC is hundreds of times better than CIVIL. Really disappointing that I didn't even see it, but keeping the L is really important to make sure I don't give him a quasi-unblockable S hook if he has it...
>Jeremy: AIINSUY L1 YUAN +31 288
#note Jeremy: Give me a break with the bad draws already!
>Jesse_Day: ?ACDHMN 1H HAND. +36 323
#note this play is bad, bad news with everything necessary for the HANDYMEN extension in the bag. Maybe if the M weren't there it would be a good idea, but instead it gives him a way of stealing the game that I shouldn't allow him. Quackle likes MYNAH or HM instead, of which I think HM would be my choice.
>Jeremy: EIIJRSW 15A JEWS +55 343
#note JD: why I needed to play VINIC.
>Jesse_Day: ?CEIMNN 1H .....MEN +51 374
#note Jeremy: Nice play, with M and N unseen I knew I was dead meat. Jesse: I luck out and draw the extension. So it goes.
>Jeremy: DFIIRRR O8 DRIF. +27 370
#note Jeremy: Two can play the 5 to make 8 game! Jesse: A really nice play on his part. He gives himself the optimal shot at drawing the blank, which my plays don't necessarily indicate I have, and leaves him a tile away from an extension that could potentially win him the endgame. But quackle has a frickin' sweet suggestion that wins more than twice as much, taking his winning chances from 15ish to 35%! Think about it for a minute...ok, I'll tell you. It's RIFT at O8, which should make lots of sense - all he has to do is hit one of the Es or the blanks in his draw to threaten the triple-triple, and it puts a lot of pressure on me to make the right play after that. It's not the spread play, but I love it as a play to steal the game.
>Jesse_Day: ?ACEEIN 2G CINE +19 393
#note completely the wrong play because it absolutely didn't occur to me that he would have his own extension! I was setting up DRIFTAgE because I didn't see any reasonable blocks and I thought I needed to take the points for CINE first to block his best play of GRIME. Ironically, I should be the one playing DRIFTIER, not him!
>Jeremy: EGIIMRR O8 .....IER +36 406
>Jesse_Day: ?AE C10 sEA. +14 407
#note not quite right, but at least I didn't phony!
>Jesse_Day: (GIMR) +14 421
#note wow, a game with a whole bunch of twist and turns that I needed to get lucky to win. I'll take it, but I felt bad subjecting Jeremy to yet another double-blanking, not to mention some very timely draws on my end.
Player 2
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