Player 1 |
#player1 Wayne_Clifford Wayne Clifford
#player2 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
>Wayne_Clifford: DENV 8G VEND +16 16
>Matthew_Larocque: EEGLNRS J5 GEL. +8 8
#note I don't usually make 8 point plays without wasting a good 2-3 minutes. Minimum. There doesn't appear to be any actual good plays, so Quackle is also suggesting I play GELD/GLED.
>Wayne_Clifford: CINOR 5E CORIN. +18 34
>Matthew_Larocque: EINPRST 6F PET +25 33
#note SINTER is a strong leave, but taking 10 points over 25 kind of irked me. I didn't see TIEP(I)N for 33.
>Wayne_Clifford: AFT 4F FAT +22 56
>Matthew_Larocque: AGINRSY G3 Y... +11 44
#note I should know that SYRINGA is a word, but I should know that a lot of words are words.
>Wayne_Clifford: IX K6 XI +20 76
>Matthew_Larocque: AEGINRS L7 SEARING +71 115
#note How do you miss a higher scoring placement when it forms the word SCORING.
>Wayne_Clifford: BHO K9 HOB +31 107
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EELNOR 13G bELON.ER +68 183
#note Sure, there's ELOIGNER, but I played 5 games in a row without putting a phony on the board. I was a little overdue. Also ENROLLEE H8.
>Wayne_Clifford: ADL H12 D.AL +21 128
#note Wayne contemplated, but opted to just take the points. Good deal. But wait.
>Matthew_Larocque: ?BIIKUW N10 KUB.I +42 225
#note This is a rack I seriously thought about exchanging. But let's get really bold and follow up a phony with another phony, if I may. (The best valid play appears to be 11E KIWI, but I have a bad habit of missing the I hook on that.)
>Wayne_Clifford: AGOT O8 GOAT +23 151
#note Wayne's going to allow it. I expect to get a verbal scolding afterwards.
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AEEIUW 14J WE +28 253
>Wayne_Clifford: CLRSU D1 CURLS +30 181
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AEEIPU 1A EPI. +24 277
#note I didn't see PIE(C)E, although perhaps the P is a worse letter than the E to have in that spot? As long as I keep scoring reasonably, holding the blank, I think I'm in a good position.
>Wayne_Clifford: NO 9H NO +8 189
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AAEOUW 3A WAU. +14 291
>Wayne_Clifford: MO J10 MO +26 215
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AEEIMO 4A OE +11 302
#note Hopefully I will bingo before he does. There isn't much I can do about the row 10 threat, but it's not that strong anyways. LIS and the bottom row are harder to use.
>Wayne_Clifford: AADINRT M1 RADIANT +73 288
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AEIIMS 10B AMItIES +65 367
#note Too bad, I'd like to think I would have found this 3x3 with enough time, but I wasn't prepared to get myself into severe time trouble over it. Good thing I did find AMITIES though, I did not know the spelling variant CASIMIRE.
>Wayne_Clifford: FRTZ 4K FR.TZ +54 342
#note That's not good.
>Matthew_Larocque: EIJOQSY 2L J.Y +26 393
#note Panic play. OYEZ if I want to amuse myself by keeping the J and the Q.
>Wayne_Clifford: ADEHTUV 9C HAUT +27 369
>Matthew_Larocque: EIOQS 7D QIS +21 414
#note Wisely avoiding *KUBRIS, since it's an auto-challenge for Wayne, resulting in epic fail.
>Wayne_Clifford: DEV 15F VE.D +8 377
>Wayne_Clifford: (EO) +4 381
#note For having bingoed thrice and phonied twice, this was a pretty close game. SEMIARID would have shut the door for good, but if I get the win I'm pretty happy.