Player 1 |
#player1 Phil_Robertshaw Phil Robertshaw
#player2 Jesse_Matthews Jesse Matthews
>Phil_Robertshaw: ACLW H6 CLAW +18 18
>Jesse_Matthews: ?AEEEMV I7 AME +20 20
#note Of the top options, this one is the most defensive. I8 MEVE 20 and G8 EAVE 16 both balance a little better while unloading the V, but also both offer some easy points back. V doesn't seem so bad to keep with a blank and two Es though, so I still like my choice.
>Phil_Robertshaw: IQS 10F QIS +42 60
>Jesse_Matthews: ?AEEEIV J7 VEE +23 43
>Phil_Robertshaw: AFN G8 FA.N +25 85
>Jesse_Matthews: ?AAEINU F10 .UAI +15 58
>Phil_Robertshaw: AHPU 10J PUHA +30 115
>Jesse_Matthews: ?AEENOS K2 lOANEES +79 137
#note Given this position and score, I'm not a fan of the volatility of 14A ARENOSE or 14B ANOESES#. I'll stick with my play.
>Phil_Robertshaw: IMORSTU 14A TOURISM +88 203
>Jesse_Matthews: INO 15A ION +19 156
>Phil_Robertshaw: ?ACDRST M7 CAD.STRe +80 283
>Jesse_Matthews: EGILNOR 4H GER.NIOL +74 230
>Phil_Robertshaw: FY E11 FY +33 316
>Jesse_Matthews: DEETTUW O1 DWE.T +27 257
>Phil_Robertshaw: AJY 3G JAY +37 353
>Jesse_Matthews: ELOPTUZ 15G OUZEL +46 303
>Phil_Robertshaw: DEIIT 13H TIDIE. +8 361
>Jesse_Matthews: DEGKPRT 12D K..T +30 333
>Phil_Robertshaw: BEILO 12I BOLE.I +29 390
>Jesse_Matthews: DEGPRVX M3 V.G +14 347
#note My last ditch long shot at winning this game involved dumping the V and G, and then playing H2 RAG next turn if the spot were to be left untouched.
>Phil_Robertshaw: ABI 2H BAI. +19 409
#note Phil, however, has excellent foresight here and takes out any possibility for me to create a problem in that area of the board.
>Jesse_Matthews: DEPRRTX 8M .XE +30 377
>Phil_Robertshaw: EGHNNOR 13C HO +29 438
>Jesse_Matthews: DPRRRT O7 P.RT +6 383
>Phil_Robertshaw: EGNNO N6 GO. +22 460
>Jesse_Matthews: DRR I1 R...D +9 392
>Phil_Robertshaw: ENN 14L N.NE +9 469
>Phil_Robertshaw: (R) +2 471