Player 1 |
#player1 Mike_Ebanks Mike Ebanks
#player2 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
>Mike_Ebanks: EHMP 8G HEMP +22 22
#note I think this is the most hilariously random/terrible game I've ever played.
>Matthew_Larocque: ABDDEPR 9C DRAPED +22 22
#note It's pronounced BE-DRAPED. Get your mind out of there.
>Mike_Ebanks: EX 10F EX +30 52
>Matthew_Larocque: ABINORT H1 TABORIN.. +89 111
>Matthew_Larocque: ABINORT -- -89 22
#note I'm like 98% sure this is phony, so I'm hoping he will float me a letter for an 8. I was in a weird "whatever" mood this game. As if I was playing a casual game instead of a tournament game that I paid money to participate in. All that aside, 8A BRIO looks to be the actual good play.
>Mike_Ebanks: EEGIKNS K8 SEEKING +86 138
>Matthew_Larocque: ABINORT 14D BORATIN. +65 87
#note Truthfully, I was 100% on BORATED but not 100% on BORATING. I played it anyways though because I might get a free turn. TABOR is the verb that TABORINE wasn't.
>Mike_Ebanks: IZ - +0 138
>Matthew_Larocque: DFHOOTW 15A WHOOF +55 142
#note WHOOF!
>Mike_Ebanks: IZ - +0 138
#note WHOOF!
>Matthew_Larocque: DLLOTUW 15G WOT +31 173
#note I have to kill this spot don't I?
>Mike_Ebanks: IZ 13I ZI. +46 184
#note Curious if he had a Z bomb at H12 - challenging WHOOF makes it seem unlikely that he did.
>Matthew_Larocque: CDLLLOU 11B COULD +22 195
>Mike_Ebanks: RY J8 .RY +31 215
>Matthew_Larocque: AAFLLRT 12J F.LLA +22 217
>Matthew_Larocque: AAFLLRT -- -22 195
#note Oops. only FILLO.
>Mike_Ebanks: AEN L11 ANE +29 244
#note Costly loss of turn. I don't have any hooks for ZINE.
>Matthew_Larocque: AAFLLRT H4 FALL.. +14 209
>Matthew_Larocque: AAFLLRT -- -14 195
#note Yes, I obviously know that FELL is the past tense. I was thinking there was a word like this that was improper yet still valid. Come on, they list REFALL in this dictionary. I wasn't confusing it with FELLED because I know that verb. Also, Mike was getting a little too worked up - he stood up rather hastily, knocking his chair right over. Then he said something along the lines of being sorry because he kept challenging words. That's the game, Mike!
>Mike_Ebanks: IQ 8B QI +14 258
>Matthew_Larocque: AAFLLRT 7C FALL +22 217
#note I actually paused momentarily on FID. There was nothing normal about this game or anything I was thinking.
>Mike_Ebanks: GOY D4 YOG. +16 274
>Matthew_Larocque: AACEERT M5 ACERATE +68 285
#note Lucky.
>Mike_Ebanks: EIOV E3 VOE +21 295
>Matthew_Larocque: EEINNTT N2 TINE +10 295
#note Tough spot. ENT seemed like the best letters to leave, and he might not have anything good to play in return.
>Mike_Ebanks: UUU -UUU +0 295
#note He might not have anything good to play at all.
>Matthew_Larocque: EEJMNST M1 JET +26 321
#note JETES is a lot of points. M13 SET/SEN also tempting to stop him.
>Mike_Ebanks: BGI M13 BIG +44 339
#note Yep.
>Matthew_Larocque: AELMNRS O1 MALE +30 351
#note Fishing is worthless here - this keeps the pressure on him.
>Mike_Ebanks: DSS C11 .DS +8 347
#note I really want to know what his letters were here.
>Matthew_Larocque: NORRSUV 15M .UV +21 372
#note There's a very real chance he could land a nine ending in ED. IS(M) words might exist too. Even something like LUNATI(C)S or whatever else. I don't think I was aware of that yet. Quackle doesn't like (G)UV either, I don't understand why I would play VRO(W) instead. I still need points, and there's two Us and 3 Is unseen. NOV(AE) wins the sim, though.
>Mike_Ebanks: AAS 14A AA +19 366
>Matthew_Larocque: INORRSU H4 RUIN.. +8 380
#note Now I notice that with two blanks, he could probably find some way to bingo in this general area. Regardless, I'm supposed to lose this game anyways unless Mike misses something. Apparently RU(M) wins a fraction of the time. It seems like if I play RU(M) and draw one of the blanks, I can go out with aRSINO and that causes a tie game if Mike sees his best play. I didn't even know ARSINO lol.
>Mike_Ebanks: ?IINSTU N12 IS +19 385
#note Mike does have a tricky win here.
>Matthew_Larocque: ?ORS 5G e.ROS +8 388
#note tOR(C)S or cRO(C)S. Mike's win was NISUS for 36 points.
>Matthew_Larocque: (?INTU) +8 396
#note I'm not even sure who was supposed to win this game, we spent more time walking than sitting down.