Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Calum_Edwards Calum Edwards
#player2 JD JD
>Calum_Edwards: AGH 8G HAG +14 14
>Calum_Edwards: AINOSST J8 S.ATIONS +70 84
>JD: CDHLMNO 15F MOCH. +36 111
>Calum_Edwards: OVW 14E VOW +22 106
>JD: ADDLNRU D11 ULNAD +26 137
>Calum_Edwards: EEX 15A EXE. +36 142
>JD: ?BDINQR 11C Q.IN +26 163
#note quackle agrees that playing QUID is maniacal. things are looking up if I can just get a bingo down...
>Calum_Edwards: EO 14A OE +24 166
>JD: ?BDIJRU 13I J.B +20 183
>Calum_Edwards: IZ 13B ZI. +43 209
>JD: ?DIORRU 11H OU.RIDeR +66 249
>Calum_Edwards: AEELPTU 7A EPAULET +68 277
>JD: AAEILOP 8A LEAP +46 295
>Calum_Edwards: EGIRSTU N5 GUERIT.S +62 339
#note I liked this play because it forks the board, leaving ETHE# bingos on row 6 maybe if he blocks
>Calum_Edwards: AEY N1 AYE +26 365
#note wow, that's a lot of points to sacrifice!
>JD: ADFFRVW 8L FA.D +36 352
#note the double F didn't seem very useful here. need him to have garbage and to draw an E for FIVE/JOBE#. maybe time to get desperate and play WAVE at F4 setting up AWAVE?
>Calum_Edwards: AGLM M3 GLAM +30 395
>JD: EFIRRVW L10 F.VER +35 387
#note better knowledge of collins would've helped me find my best chance here: taking the points for FEW and then trying to draw RIVERY#. My odds of drawing EY or ?Y are 26/120 combined, which is a fantastic opportunity. of course, some decent fraction of the time he will block the spot, but still worth a go.
>Calum_Edwards: BEEINOY O11 .OBIN +27 422
>JD: IKNRTWY F3 TRIK. +19 406
#note 6 better to play TRYKE# which I didn't know
>Calum_Edwards: ?EEN G2 tEEN +11 433
#note an 0-3 finish to worlds - didn't play too badly, just didn't work out.
>Calum_Edwards: (NWY) +18 451
Player 2
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