Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Theresa_Brousson Theresa Brousson
#note the win over nigel was a great boost of momentum.
>Theresa_Brousson: EHOR 9E HORE +27 27
>JD: ?ABDINS 10A BANDIeS +79 113
>JD: ?ABDINS -- -79 34
>Theresa_Brousson: AFLY 10C FLAY +45 72
>JD: ?ABDINS 7G BANDIeS +75 109
#note now I should play BANDITS, saw it but was a little bit freaked out about playing URS* last turn. at least I knew BANDIEST#
>Theresa_Brousson: ADGILSU M1 GLADIU. +18 90
#note her actual rack. quackle suggests GUID at 6H.
>JD: FLORSTT N3 TOFT +23 132
#note LOFT gives a better leave but at the cost of worse defense (ALA and ALE versus just ATE). but, I definitely overestimated this effect and underestimated the massive increase in bingo percentage from keeping RST versus LRS. bad play.
>Theresa_Brousson: AIMOX O6 AXIOM +45 135
>Theresa_Brousson: ADEHRST N9 HARDEST +87 222
#note she missed THREADS for 105 at the same spot which is a huge error...
>JD: CEIIOOZ 15L ZI.I +69 279
#note worth noting there are 9 Es unseen, so playing ZITE here actually sims even
>Theresa_Brousson: EEGL O1 GLEE +26 248
>JD: CDEEOOT 6H COED +25 304
>Theresa_Brousson: ENNOTV 13K NOV.N +16 264
>Theresa_Brousson: ENNOTV -- -16 248
>JD: EGOTUVW 13J VOGU. +18 322
#note a really poor play given a golden opportunity to control the board - I should really see that she can hurt me in future turns on row 1. this is a great chance to play VOGUED and block the G (although she can still bingo to the G in future). a wasted chance. even worse, my play will often give back VEND at 12K, so if I do play here I should play VOUGE#.
>Theresa_Brousson: ENNOTVY H11 .ENTO +18 266
>JD: BEIPRTW J2 BREW.. +18 340
#note I can block the bottom with PEWIT, but given her leave of NV blocking the G must be the right move - at least I realized it turn late.
>Theresa_Brousson: MV I10 V.M +12 278
>JD: IIKOPQT D4 OPTI. +18 358
#note trying to block some of the tricky lanes at the top.
>Theresa_Brousson: AAEINST 14B TANAIS.E +70 348
#note oh god, why not just challenge? she has SANITATE but this was removed from CSW12. bad bad bad bad bad.
>JD: ?EEEIKQ 15A QI +35 393
#note should play QIN to avoid giving back FRYPAN if I think she'll see it.
>Theresa_Brousson: INPRRWY C2 WRY +23 371
>JD: ?EEEEK E3 aKEE +34 427
>Theresa_Brousson: INPR 4G RIP.N +8 379
>Theresa_Brousson: (EE) +4 383