Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Austin_Shin Austin Shin
>Austin_Shin: AALNNRR 8G LARN +8 8
#note austin is a good player who beat me in 2013 worlds.
>JD: ADIKP J5 KID.AP +21 21
>Austin_Shin: ADINPQR K3 QAID +43 51
#note quackle agrees that I'm right to forgo QADI for 3 more points. I think if I wasn't holding the N then I should play QADI (this way, if he overlaps QI I get QIN back).
>JD: INOU 3K .UOIN +28 49
>Austin_Shin: EFNNPRV L2 F.NNER +33 84
#note definite error, should really play FIVER to block the easy scoring spots at the top right. FUNNER gives up 52 points per turn average versus 42 after FIVER.
>JD: CJOU O1 JU.CO +51 100
>Austin_Shin: DMPRRVW -MPRVW +0 84
>JD: AEERTTU K9 TAU +12 112
#note his actual rack
>Austin_Shin: ?BDERSS 12H BRaSSED +78 162
#note wow, nice play! I guess he had RETEAMED also
>Austin_Shin: EEIMOOT N7 ITEME. +34 196
>JD: EHP O8 HEP +52 244
#note an unfortunate swing
>Austin_Shin: EGIOOTU H12 .IOG +21 217
>JD: ACLZ 14G C.LZA +36 280
>Austin_Shin: BEHORTU 15K THROB +44 261
#note I had REBOUGHT if austin doesn't block
>JD: ?AGGIIL 9B GhILGAI +64 344
>JD: DEFX (challenge) +5 349
#note wow, cool word!
>Austin_Shin: EEORSUW 14N WO +24 285
>JD: DEFX D8 F.XED +40 389
>Austin_Shin: EEIRSUY E9 .URE +24 309
#note YU at 8A seems like a better try - I could hit SEVERITY or something if I'm lucky, and maybe I can try to hit some miracle double-double like NOSELITE or VASELINE in 2 turns.
>JD: OV B9 .OV +9 398
>Austin_Shin: AEILNSY C7 YE. +14 323
#note he actually blocked YEALINGS. this is why I should've played YU
>JD: INV B5 VIN +13 411
#note this play is actually not a 100% win for austin depending on his other letters - I think any bingo through the V in VIN like OVATIONS or EVASIONS wins the game for me.
>Austin_Shin: AILNOSS 13L OS +28 351
#note one tile off - would love to know what he picked from the bag!
>JD: AEOTTWY A6 TOY +26 437
#note best is YAWED at 7F
>Austin_Shin: AILNS 5B .INALS +18 369
#note not a lot to be done differently except for playing FIVER. 0-2 lifetime against Austin at this point.
>Austin_Shin: (AETW) +14 383
Player 2
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