Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Joel_Wapnick Joel Wapnick
>Joel_Wapnick: ABF 7G FAB +27 27
>JD: DEIOOQY 9E DOY +33 83
#note DOY is better than JOYED because of the significantly improved defense
>Joel_Wapnick: ?ACEOSS 10D CASSOnE +85 112
>Joel_Wapnick: ENV (challenge) +5 117
#note joel missed the diffcult CASELOADS at H1 for 94 but I did give him the +5
>JD: DEFIOQR D10 .OIFED +28 111
#note pretty big miss of OOFIER#
>Joel_Wapnick: ENV 15A VEN. +24 141
>JD: NPQRTWY J8 QW.RTY +21 132
>Joel_Wapnick: OPT 14B PO.T +22 163
>JD: EMNOPUV 6I OVUM +21 153
>Joel_Wapnick: CNRSTU 14J SCRUNT +44 207
>Joel_Wapnick: EIRT (challenge) +5 212
#note another +5
>JD: ABELNPT H10 .NBEAT +33 186
#note irritating that PINTABLE# doesn't play - I missed another better play of VENDABLE. didn't consider the possible extensions.
>Joel_Wapnick: EIRT O11 TRI.E +18 230
>JD: AAAIILP L4 LA.IA +16 202
#note for some reason it took me forever to find this stupid play. I could also fork open the board with APIOL# at 11A keeping a much worse leave, but I don't think I need to do that yet.
>Joel_Wapnick: AIRZ N8 RIZA +35 265
>JD: AEGINPU C11 PAE.. +30 232
#note ugh, what a maddening play. it's very odd to me that joel would want to open the R and triple word score - why would ZA not be good enough? if he had an E in hand he would just play ZEA at N10, so perhaps he doesn't have one himself? in any case, if I play AGUE for 21 then the board is looking pretty dead, so I figured I would take my chances on scoring some points
>Joel_Wapnick: EGHIN O4 HINGE +45 310
#note blah
>JD: DGILNUU B9 ULU +10 242
#note just trying to fork the board and keep thngs nteresting...
>Joel_Wapnick: EIMR A7 RIME +24 334
>JD: DGIINSX N5 XI +24 266
#note I was out of ideas and running out of time, but I do have a better play - DUX at K5. might as well take some extra points.
>Joel_Wapnick: AEEGINR 6A GAINER +19 353
#note joel's actual rack. he eschewed the bingo because he didn't want to give me a triple-triple. I dunno if it's worth it for him, I probably only beat him if I triple-triple with the W which is not that likely. this way I can beat him if I play an overlap bingo on row 5, and I might be able to fish at the top-right and open a new lane.
>JD: DGILNSW 9N .S +12 278
#note not sure what to go for, seems like joel can always block. maybe just WHINGED and hope to draw something on the left? I decided to fish for WINDGALL here.
>Joel_Wapnick: AEELLOT K4 EA. +12 365
>JD: DGILNOW 3M DOW +28 306
>Joel_Wapnick: ?ELOT 5C LOT +14 379
#note for some reason, joel failed to pick the last tile out of the bag. we were both low on time and I forgot to call him on it.
>JD: GILN D4 G.. +8 314
#note went over on time
>Joel_Wapnick: ?EH 10L fE. +11 390
#note this was probably the most frustrating game of my 6-game losing streak. at the time it felt like I was just the victim of a poor draw, but OOFIER and VENDABLE both would've helped.
#rack1 ILN