Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Sam Sam
#player2 Mike_Baron Mike Baron
>Sam: ABJLLMN 8G JAMB +30 30
>Mike_Baron: DEINRTT K4 TRIDENT +82 82
#note This was very frustrating to me, as I recall. Especially given what I just drew.
>Sam: GLLNUVV H4 VULV. +15 45
#note VULVAL is good. When I asked after the game, he said he would have challenged, which was even more annoying upon looking it up.
>Mike_Baron: CNOUY 10G COUN.Y +13 95
#note Nice play! Helped by my VULVA, the board is already blocked up after COUNTY.
>Sam: GILNRSZ 6J Z.NG +34 79
#note Quackle slightly prefers ZILL 6F to ZING in a long 2-ply sim, which is ridiculous (IMO). ZING sets up my S in a second place, in addition to STRIDENT.
>Mike_Baron: AM I5 MA +24 119
#note Terrific block, taking away the ZINGS hook.
>Sam: EEGILRS 6G G...... +18 97
#note Putting the S-hook back into play, as GLAZINGS is good.
>Mike_Baron: ORTTU M3 TUR.OT +16 135
#note AARRGHH I just learned just now that this is phony! It's TURBOT and ROTGUT, not TURGOT*! Considering that this blocks both of my bingo spots, maybe challenging would have been a good idea? This is where my lack of word knowledge hurts me.
>Sam: DEEILRS 6E RE....... +22 119
#note Mike held this for a while.
>Mike_Baron: ADH 5D DAH +23 158
>Sam: DEILPRS 4A PERIL +29 148
#note LIP 4C is clearly best. Don't remember if I saw or considered it, but it sets up a delicious S hook.
>Mike_Baron: FHO 3B FOH +34 192
>Sam: DIRSSUY 11J US +24 172
#note PURSY, which I didn't know, is best here.
>Mike_Baron: ?CEILOS A4 .OLEmICS +83 275
>Sam: DEEIRSY 8M .YE +18 190
>Mike_Baron: ABILN 12F BLAIN +11 286
>Sam: ADEFIRS 13H IF +20 210
>Mike_Baron: EGINSTW 14I STEWING +82 368
>Sam: ADDEQRS M12 QA.D +28 238
>Mike_Baron: IKO N10 KOI +28 396
>Sam: ADENRSX 15J AXE. +30 268
#note This play is better than it seems once you look at the pool. Separated by vowels/consonants: AAAEEEEEIIOOO PRTW ?. I can now bingo on the O column or, if I draw the W, with WANDERS/WONDERS/WINDERS and WHID.
>Mike_Baron: AEIR O7 A.RIE +13 409
>Sam: ?DENRSW 2D WoNDERS +75 343
#note It annoys me how Quackle gives plays like WEND 2D win%s of 20% and greater. Mike's a terrific defensive player, and if I don't take the bingo now, he'll block with something like PEA or POI J2.
>Mike_Baron: AEEIOPT 1H PEE +31 440
>Sam: AEOO O13 A.O +12 355
>Mike_Baron: AIOT 13C IOTA +12 452
>Mike_Baron: (EO) +4 456
Player 2
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