Player 1 |
#player1 Carl Carl
#player2 Noah Noah
>Carl: EEGMNRS 8D GERMENS +74 74
>Noah: ?ELOSTT 9H TOiLETS +64 64
#note Didn't know TEL(E)OsTS, all placements off that are best. -14
>Carl: EMOU 8L MEOU +38 112
>Noah: ADFIRTT D8 .RAFT +18 82
#note No no no! 10F FIAT and 9! other plays are ALL better!!! Aargh. -8
>Carl: INP 10J PIN +28 140
>Noah: ADDIOTZ E5 DOZ. +28 110
#note (A)DZ -2
>Carl: BCNR 6C BR.NC +11 151
>Noah: AADDILT E10 LAID +24 134
#note Actually second best despite totally missing the A(DOZE) hook. ALIDAD is best, but I didn't know it. :-( -3
>Carl: AOR 4D OAR +21 172
>Noah: DFIOQTY 7K FOY +29 163
#note It's about time I made the right decision!!
>Carl: INS 6J SIN +17 189
>Noah: ?DEIQTX 7B QI +17 180
>Carl: AEINRST 13E .ETRAINS +61 250
#note Annoyingly, the only bingo. (well, annoying for Carl at least)
>Noah: ?DEGHTX 5I GED +26 206
#note Hoping to draw an I...
>Carl: JKU J2 JUK.. +32 282
>Noah: ?HIILTX 14F XI +52 258
#note ...and I do.
>Carl: BOO 12J BOO +20 302
>Noah: ?EHILTV 8A HI +26 284
#note Good thing I didn't try LIVETH.
>Carl: AEEVY 2J .AYVEE +38 340
#note Nooooooooo!!!
>Noah: ?EGLTUV 3I V.G +14 298
>Carl: ACEIL 15G CELIA +26 366
#note I thought, oh, he has CEIL so this must be good, after holding for eons. ACEIL=ILEAC!!! -26
>Noah: ?DELPTU F2 PU. +11 309
#note L(E)TUP, jeez Noah, stop fishing, you're not THAT far behind. DE? is probably better in this situation anyway. -14
>Carl: OW D2 WO. +6 372
>Noah: ?DEEILT 14J D +11 320
#note This was a really awful move. ET is best. -31!!!
>Carl: ARU 10A AUR.. +7 379
>Noah: ?EEILTT A10 .TTIrE +18 338
#note T(E)nTIE is a little better. -1
>Carl: AAEHNW O1 H.WN +33 412
>Noah: EL 12D ..LE +20 358
>Noah: (AAE) +6 364
#note A total equity loss of 99, and an awfully played game by me. I played FILTHILY (yes that is good Carl).