Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Dr._Bing Dr. Bing
>Noah: ACCDEKS H4 CAKED +30 30
>Dr._Bing: DEIOPRR 5D PRER.DIO +94 94
>Noah: ACIISTU 7B ACUITI.S +65 95
>Dr._Bing: EIN 6H .INE +20 114
>Noah: ELNNQVW -QNLW +0 95
#note Need to keep the V for V(ACUITIES). Wasn't sure whether ELV or ENV was better. ELV "felt" better to me somehow but then I figured that the overall greater strength of the N would make ENV better. Quackle likes ELV by a bit more.
>Dr._Bing: EO 4D OE +14 128
>Noah: EEINOSV A7 VOE +32 127
#note Thought about NIEVE and ENVOI here as well. EINS just seeme so good on this board (many bingo lanes few great scoring spotsthat don't open stuff), and against Dave in general, that I took this. I could do NIEVE so as not to open up a nice lane after OE, but there are already a lot of lanes and any bingo by Dave will open a lot for EINS so I like a more proactive strategy here. The three plays are all fine though.
>Dr._Bing: ?AAEFIS B9 FAScIAE +77 205
>Noah: EEFINOS 15A N.IF +33 160
#note Pretty ugly but the spot is too strong.
>Dr._Bing: DEGMT 13A M.DGET +20 225
>Noah: EEILOSY F11 YE.I +9 169
#note This is really bad. I was just amazed by how poor the options were here and also tired so I guess I didn't think this play through well enough. TYE is so much better.
>Dr._Bing: AEGLNOT 12F .LONGATE +70 295
>Noah: AEHLOSX 13K LOX +42 211
>Dr._Bing: AQU E9 QUA +34 329
>Noah: AEHJNSY 4K JAY +36 247
>Dr._Bing: ?ABEGOR N6 BORAGEs +78 407
>Noah: BEHMNSV 8L VE.B +39 286
>Dr._Bing: OW D11 WO. +23 430
>Noah: DHMNRSW H10 DR.WNS +30 316
>Dr._Bing: EILNPU O1 LUPINE +31 461
>Noah: HHIMNSZ 3L HM +33 349
>Dr._Bing: ALORRTU K9 AUR.. +10 471
#note AUROR(A) is best.
>Noah: HINSTTZ 3B ZITS +34 383
>Dr._Bing: LORT 1K TROL. +6 477
>Dr._Bing: (HNT) +12 489
Player 2
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