Game Details
Player 1
#player1 E_Tran E Tran
#player2 Shannon_B Shannon B
>E_Tran: ACDENPV 8D PAVED +28 28
>Shannon_B: AAEFIRV F6 VI.AFERA +83 83
>Shannon_B: AAEFIRV -- -83 0
>E_Tran: BCGLNOY 7G BOGY +25 53
#note Very tempted to make AGLYCON and hope he doesn't know the E hook. But if he does, I'm saving him from a pretty bad position.
>Shannon_B: AAEFIRV F8 .IVA +18 18
>E_Tran: BCELNOO 6J BOCLE +30 83
>E_Tran: BCELNOO -- -30 53
#note Ugh. Trying to set up a phantom s-hook; forgot to consider that this might be phony. BOUCLE, COBLE. My only unsuccessful phony of the tourney.
>Shannon_B: AEFRU E11 FEU +22 40
>E_Tran: BCELNOO 6J BOLO +25 78
>Shannon_B: ACRW 5I CAW +34 74
>E_Tran: CDELNOT 13C CO.LD +20 98
>Shannon_B: EIRTT 11E ..TTIER +20 94
>E_Tran: EELNSTU N4 UNSTEEL +70 168
>Shannon_B: AANO 10I ANOA +14 108
>E_Tran: AEIJOPX 8L JE.P +63 231
>Shannon_B: ?AEINRT O8 .RIsTANE +84 192
>E_Tran: AEIOORX 4L RO.X +38 269
#note 6E OXO to keep a non-horrible leave. ROUX/EAUX also suck because they open up space for row 3 bingos.
>Shannon_B: AGNW 3J GNAW +28 220
>E_Tran: AEIIOQR 9C QI +25 294
>Shannon_B: AZ N13 ZA +37 257
#note Shannon doing a bang-up job of closing bingo lines for me
>E_Tran: AEHIORU O1 HOA. +42 336
>Shannon_B: EHI 10B HIE +30 287
>E_Tran: EEINRRU E5 URE. +8 344
#note Weird spot. I went for pure equity. This blocks easy pts on line 6, but gives up some hotspots on D/F/6.
>Shannon_B: MOS 11A MOS +22 309
>E_Tran: ?EEINRY A11 .EINY +33 377
>Shannon_B: DINS - +0 309
>E_Tran: ?DEGKLR D12 D.RK +34 411
>Shannon_B: DINS 15D .INDS +30 339
>E_Tran: ?EEGILT 12J GELT +17 428
#note LIEGE!
>Shannon_B: FIMRSTU 15L FUS. +23 362
>E_Tran: ?EI 14J IrE +9 437
>E_Tran: (IMRT) +12 449
Player 2
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