Player 1 |
#player1 Sean_Wrona Sean Wrona
#player2 Sam_Masling Sam Masling
>Sean_Wrona: CCDNUVW -CCUVW +0 0
>Sam_Masling: IQ 8G QI +22 22
>Sean_Wrona: ADDNORT 9H DOT +8 8
>Sam_Masling: IIII -IIII +0 22
>Sean_Wrona: ADENORY J4 AROYN.ED +66 74
>Sam_Masling: ITX 4I T.XI +22 44
>Sean_Wrona: ?HOPSTW K10 HOW +29 103
#note Well, I didn't know POSTSHOW but this isn't really worse.
>Sam_Masling: EJKORS 13H JOKERS +46 90
#note Sam forgot HOWK. So admittedly did I saw this position. That's another one of those words that is so easy to anagram it doesn't remain memorable.
>Sean_Wrona: ?AGPSTV H13 .AG +33 136
>Sam_Masling: ?AILNSY M4 SLAYINg +76 166
>Sean_Wrona: ?EPSTUV 8L V.ES +33 169
#note I have no idea why I chose VIES over VISE. I'm thinking it's because I held the blank and this would make it easier for me to bingo next turn. It might be right. It does sim better.
>Sam_Masling: INO 5H NO.I +28 194
>Sean_Wrona: ?IOPTTU O2 POUTIe.T +60 229
#note Major error. I'd definitely guess that UTOPISTS is a word.
>Sam_Masling: HU N2 UH +23 217
>Sean_Wrona: ACFGORR 7H FR. +17 246
#note Major board vision error. CORF is considerably better.
>Sam_Masling: CRZ 14F CZ.R +23 240
>Sean_Wrona: ABCENOR L11 CO.ER +32 278
#note At least I saw the spot this time but this is not the best thing I could have done there.
>Sam_Masling: ABELM 15J MA.BLE +30 270
>Sean_Wrona: AABEINS 14N AB +16 294
>Sam_Masling: AOT 10F TAO +13 283
>Sean_Wrona: AEINRSU F9 U. +2 296
#note The problem is this essentially forces all my bingos to end in N (or admittedly ERS, but obviously if he has an E, which is almost certain, he will block with a UTE play as he did). Still not going to call it a major error. I mean I could easily bingo off his next play after this as well. Yeah, AUTO/AUXIN are probably better since they create a second spot. I needed to think more counterintuitively probably.
>Sam_Masling: EFM 11E FEM +23 306
>Sean_Wrona: AEIINRS G10 ..I +5 301
>Sam_Masling: AEGW 12B WAGE +21 327
>Sean_Wrona: AEILNRS A6 RENAILS +84 385
#note I described this play after the game as "Sam choking and me trying to choke it back to him", prompting Brian Bowman to tell me in my hotel room that I need to stop being so hard on myself. At least about this. I have plenty of other good reasons to be hard on myself. I misunderstood the real threat during the game. His play of UH much earlier indicates that the major threat is -ED bingos especially with 4 Es and 2 Ds left in the very small pool. RENAILS/NAILERS gives him an easy spot for -ED bingos making them essentially unblockable. I *have* to play ALINERS here but screwed up because I didn't want to put a vowel next to the TLS, which was totally irrelevant since nothing there scores higher than a G. I need to play ALINERS, hopefully draw a D, and block the DUH spot. I just got lucky here. I consider this a major error, no matter how it sims. (And it actually won the sim, but I usually only do 500 iterations at 4-ply and that's probably not nearly enough.) I don't care. ALINERS is the only play worth doing and I see that now.
>Sam_Masling: GNV C11 V.NG +16 343
>Sean_Wrona: DEEILNU B7 NEED +22 407
#note So I just lucked out and he didn't draw a bingo. This is still a mistake since I'm giving him an easy hook with END and I know he has the last D. I'll be less harsh on myself and not call it major. RENAILS was the major error.
>Sam_Masling: ADEEIPT C3 TAPED +26 369
>Sean_Wrona: ILU 3A LI.U +4 411
#note Major errors: POUTIEST (word knowledge), FRY (boar dvision), RENAILS (defensive strategy fail)
>Sean_Wrona: (EI) +4 415