Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Conrad Conrad Bassett-Bouchard
#player2 Ian Ian Weinstein
#title 2014 NSC Round 26
#description Conrad Bassett-Bouchard plays Ian Weinstein in Round 26 at the 2014 NSC
>Conrad: EEMNNOT 8D MONTE +20 20
>Ian: AAEGPQR 9B GRAPE +19 19
>Conrad: DEEIINO D6 DO..INE +20 40
>Ian: AEIOQWX 6B QA.I +34 53
>Conrad: EFINTTV 7A VIN. +22 62
#note C12 FIVE seems silly, here.
>Ian: EOOUVWX 5E XU +36 89
>Conrad: DEEFITT B9 .IFTED +26 88
>Ian: EFHOOVW 10F WHOOF +44 133
>Conrad: CEEGITY 9I GEY +19 107
>Ian: ABEIRVW 8K BRAVI +40 173
>Conrad: CEILNST 11I STENCIL +78 185
>Ian: DEIKNWZ A13 WIZ +53 226
>Conrad: ??IOPRR H1 PORRIdg. +77 262
>Ian: ADEKNNR N10 K.NDER +42 268
>Conrad: EELOSTU 1A OUTSLEE. +83 345
#note Ian is so good at scoring, that I was feeling fortunate to even be in the lead after this!
>Ian: AAADNSU O10 A.A +13 281
>Conrad: BGJOORY 15L GY.O +30 375
>Ian: ADINSUU E11 UNAU +14 295
>Conrad: BHJORTT F13 THO +29 404
#note Seems safest to take out the triple lane now, and although Ian may bingo, I should be able to outscore him to win the game.
>Ian: DEEILLS C12 ED +24 319
>Conrad: ABCJRST K4 CRAB.. +30 434
#note I missed F4 J(U)S, which is a cool play, but this play is up there with the best of them. Ultimately, I can't stop all of his bingos, but I can outrun them.
>Ian: EEILLMS 3A SMELLIE. +72 391
>Ian: (AAJST) +24 415
#note Felt like I drew much better, and won by so little - speaks to Ian's ability to get the board he wants. Nice game.
Player 2
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