Player 1 |
#player1 Jeremy_Frank Jeremy Frank
#player2 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
>Jeremy_Frank: EGILQSU 8D FOODY +32 32
>Jeremy_Frank: EGILQSU -- -32 0
#note Jeremy has the tendency to be pretty hard on himself when he makes a mistake, and I think it affected him the rest of the way.
>Jesse_Day: ABCEIRR 8D BARIC +24 24
#note quackle likes CARIBE given that I know his rack, at 8H - turnover is better when you know your opponent's rack is mediocre?
>Jeremy_Frank: FOTY F6 FO.TY +27 27
>Jesse_Day: AEEMORU E10 MEOU +19 43
#note missing the best play the tricky MIAOU as an overlap.
>Jeremy_Frank: DQU 12C QU.D +28 55
>Jesse_Day: AEIKNRS 14E SNAKIER +72 115
>Jeremy_Frank: EOW H12 WO.E +45 100
>Jesse_Day: ?GLNOSX 13G L.X +39 154
>Jeremy_Frank: AENPY K10 NAPE.Y +22 122
>Jesse_Day: ?ABGNOS L5 BAGNiOS +64 218
#note hmm. I didn't even consider not bingoing, but quackle suggests BOGAN or GOBAN, of which BOGAN has to be better. The bingos are pretty much right there as well, simming just a point down. Also had NOSEBAG here. The sim suggests that this is just a complete crapshoot, in which case I think I would rather just take the big lead, rather than risking him bingoing after BOGAN and then me struggling to find a bingo.
>Jeremy_Frank: AFLO K3 LOAF +27 149
>Jesse_Day: AEEJSTW J2 JEW +36 254
#note this may have been the game with the most easy decisions from nationals.
>Jeremy_Frank: IPSV M10 SPIV +26 175
#note he evidently had PELVIS with those exact same tiles up top, not that that's any better or anything.
>Jesse_Day: ?AEOSTU N5 OUTAgES +72 326
#note repeat after me -
>Jeremy_Frank: AEILNRT O2 RETINAL +86 261
#note it ain't over yet.
>Jesse_Day: AEEIILN 13B LI +26 352
#note I wanted to score points without giving him back a huge play, hence no LEI, which is just asking for trouble.. Maybe just dropping the I at the same spot, but the more tiles I play through the better.
>Jeremy_Frank: CDEHIOU -CDEH +0 261
>Jesse_Day: AEEEINV 6F .IVE +10 362
#note perhaps it was overkill, but I want the game to end now, and this does it.
>Jeremy_Frank: HIRT 15K .IRTH +36 297
>Jesse_Day: ACEEENT 11H AE +14 376
#note just trying to stay afloat, but EXIT just scores a few more points.
>Jeremy_Frank: DEZ N1 ZED +33 330
>Jesse_Day: CEEMNTT O12 MET. +12 388
#note I swear I didn't use to get a kick out of these kinds of boards, but man, this is fun, in a sick way. I also drew the last E for good measure. quackle seems kind of worried, though, which I don't get - how exactly is he going to catch up? This a bad play, though - TEEM through the up top is seriously better, because it takes away a scoring spot and scores more.
>Jeremy_Frank: ADGINOR G3 RAG. +6 336
>Jesse_Day: CDDENOT H1 COED +34 422
#note saw no bingos if I played COED.ooh, fun, a one-in-the-bagger. I went through all the possiblities and saw no bingo if I played COED, but quackle says that's wrong, I suppoe because of the possibility of having all consonants. It actually likes OD at M3, which makes some sense - with most draws I threaten a play on the H column anyway that will require him to block.
>Jeremy_Frank: GHINORU M2 HOG +28 364
>Jesse_Day: DINT 4F D.. +5 427
#note time pressure leads me to do strange, strange thiings.
>Jeremy_Frank: INRU 1D RUNI. +8 372
#note jeremy plays his endgame right.
>Jeremy_Frank: (INT) +6 378
#note The short analysis: I played well at the beginning when I needed to, got some timely opportunities, and then shut the board down to the point that my unideal play didn't end up hurting me. I've gotten lucky against Jeremy in enough games that it's probably his turn next time we play.