Player 1 |
#player1 Alan_Stern Alan Stern
#player2 Sean_Wrona Sean Wrona
>Alan_Stern: ?AGLNNW H2 LAWNiNG +78 78
#note Major word knowledge error. Grrr. I held it. I *really* didn't like it but I decided it must be good. I likely would have controlled this from the start even with him having the blank (since the rest of it wasn't very synergistic) had I challenged this.
>Sean_Wrona: AEFGIIO G1 OAF +21 21
#note Major board vision error. I was apparently only looking for crosswords when FOLIA/FOLIAGE are obviously superior.
>Alan_Stern: AJORV 5D JOVA. +30 108
>Alan_Stern: AJORV -- -30 78
#note Well, at least I wasn't fooled twice.
>Sean_Wrona: ?DEGIIU -GIU +0 21
#note I suppose I should have looked harder to find a play and/or kept the G to allow myself multiple spots for -ING bingos. Not a major error though.
>Alan_Stern: AJORV I1 JAR +21 99
>Sean_Wrona: ?DDEINO J2 NODDIEs +75 96
#note I missed DECODING, however the win percentage is closer than I thought it would be so I won't call it a major error. Since I'm behind a tempo after this either way I probably need to be open as well. Admittedly, I do know he has the V so that probably adds to the value of playing closed.
>Alan_Stern: AOVW I8 AVOW +17 116
>Sean_Wrona: AENOOXY H11 AXONE +65 161
>Alan_Stern: ACLMSTU 15B MUSCAT.L +63 179
>Sean_Wrona: BHNORTY G9 THROB +36 197
#note YOB in the same spot wins the sim by quite a bit. I suppose that's because of the threat of bingos in column F ending in S. I don't like it. Keeping HNRT on a board with few open vowels (as synergistic as they are) is asking for trouble. Yes, I am opening an easy bingo line but if he bingos there chances are he'd likely bingo elsewhere anyway. The winning percentage difference was rather large so I'm likely wrong, but in this case I still think I want to focus on drawing another vowel.
>Alan_Stern: AEIIT 5G I.E.ITA +16 195
#note After this play, THROB sure looks a lot better.
>Sean_Wrona: DEGNRYY 4L EYRY +37 234
>Alan_Stern: EGILNR O1 REL.ING +33 228
>Sean_Wrona: ADGLNOS F12 GAL. +23 257
#note I was certainly worried about the S and knew he was extremely likely to bingo there. The only problem was that I didn't see any blocks worth doing. I spent four minutes on this turn totally lost and I was fixated on wanting to keep my S at all costs so I didn't consider plays hooking SOX and ADS and ODS I guess look right. I mean, if I'm not going to be defensive, I guess I need to score. Ultimately playing GALA here? The problem is that the board is not really open to 7-letter bingos, so keeping the S has less value. Blocking the open S has value, but I just couldn't think of a way to do it that would be worth doing.
Major error and this one I'll call strategic - overestimating the value of the S on this board. I certainly would have been able to find a play like ODS had I been looking for it. Just because he bingoed on the next turn and he wouldn't have had I played through the S does not mean I should have played something through the S.
>Alan_Stern: EEIOPRT D8 POETRIE. +76 304
#note What could I have really done about this? Played THROBS earlier instead of THROB? Even so, that would open up an easy -S 7 line...
>Sean_Wrona: DENOSSZ 14A ZON. +36 293
#note ZONES is probably better. I didn't see it. The S has become more valuable because of POETRIES so I think doing this has value and it *could* be right.
>Alan_Stern: IQ E7 QI +15 319
#note And that about ends the game even though it's still close.
>Sean_Wrona: DDEISSU 9B DU.S +18 311
#note F6 DIE sims better than this? Okay, that makes *no sense* to me.
>Alan_Stern: CHI F6 HIC +34 353
>Sean_Wrona: DEEEISV 14H .EVE +17 328
#note Perhaps playing here is too desperate. Perhaps I'm not far enough behind where I *have* to create a new line but if I don't draw an A (or I suppose a T for GAST) I don't have much hope. This does block the GAST line which I didn't really consider at the time, and yeah, I think something ilke VEER has to be better since while it doesn't open a line it doesn't give him an easy triple spot which he will then use to close the line.
Major error - strategy.
>Alan_Stern: BEORS 15K SOBER +26 379
>Sean_Wrona: DEFIIMS K13 F.. +6 334
#note The regular sim says this can win; the championship player says it can't. Whatever. Still, I don't have much choice but to do this, although perhaps another fish like OF at 10I would have been better...
>Alan_Stern: AEKPTTU N10 UPTAK. +28 407
>Sean_Wrona: DEIIMSU M12 UM +18 352
#note I went overtime with this play. Major time management error.
Major errors (5): LAWNING (word knowledge), OAF (board vision), GALA (strategic error), NEVE (strategic error), UM (time management error)
Yuck. This should have been so winnable.
#rack1 ET