Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Sam_Masling Sam Masling
#player2 Zacharius_dAng Zacharius dAng
>Sam_Masling: AAEEFIR 8D FAERIE +26 26
#note I forgot to play this vertically. -9
>Zacharius_dAng: GOW 7I WOG +20 20
>Sam_Masling: ?AAASTU G6 AU.A +6 32
#note AA 9D is a lot better defensively.
>Zacharius_dAng: DEIV 10D DIVE +21 41
>Sam_Masling: ?AASSST 6I AS +14 46
#note skillz
>Zacharius_dAng: EGOO D5 GOO.E. +11 52
>Sam_Masling: ?ALSSTW L1 WALTSeS +84 130
#note major Skillz
>Zacharius_dAng: DIQ 2K Q.ID +28 80
>Sam_Masling: ABEEIOP 3I BOI. +20 150
#note I missed the A hook here.
>Zacharius_dAng: ALMS H1 SLAM +34 114
>Sam_Masling: AEEMPRT F2 TRAMP +27 177
#note REPEAT or RETEAM at H10 are probably both better here, but I wanted to block the S lane. I definitely would have played repeat if I had seen it but there are valid reasons for this play.
>Zacharius_dAng: AEELNOT -AEEL +0 114
>Sam_Masling: CEENNOR E4 NE +18 195
#note Should've thrown down the O.
>Zacharius_dAng: BK 7C K.B +18 132
>Sam_Masling: CEELNOR 1N EL +9 204
>Zacharius_dAng: FN 9C F.N +16 148
>Sam_Masling: CENOPRT 4H .OP +15 219
>Zacharius_dAng: EX 5L .EX +10 158
>Sam_Masling: ACEENRT O5 TANREC +35 254
>Zacharius_dAng: ACGI -IACG +0 158
>Sam_Masling: DENNORY K7 .RODY +20 274
#note Lots of better plays. ANDRO 9G is sweeet.
>Zacharius_dAng: RTU 11K .URT +7 165
>Sam_Masling: DENNNOU M9 NO. +4 278
#note *claps* *claps*
>Zacharius_dAng: IU -IU +0 165
>Sam_Masling: DEHINNU 12L HI +24 302
>Zacharius_dAng: IU -UI +0 165
>Sam_Masling: DENNTUV 9G .ND +18 320
#note Look at this beautiful beautiful board.
>Zacharius_dAng: IIRZ F10 .IZIR +19 184
#note Hey he didn't exchange!
>Sam_Masling: AEINTUV 12D NA.I +26 346
>Zacharius_dAng: CETY 13A CYTE +20 204
>Sam_Masling: EEJOTUV D12 ..VE +8 354
>Zacharius_dAng: ?EGHILU 15F sIGH +38 242
>Sam_Masling: EJOTU 15A JUT. +33 387
>Zacharius_dAng: ELU N11 .EL +9 251
>Sam_Masling: EO 14I OE +9 396
>Sam_Masling: (U) +2 398
Player 2
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