Game Details
Player 1
#player1 brian brian
#player2 Brett Brett
>brian: ABIOT 8D BIOTA +20 20
>Brett: ACEJLNQ 7F JANE +27 27
>brian: DEEENRS J7 SNEERED +72 92
>Brett: CILNQRU 12H QU.RN +48 75
#note (JO)NQUIL is 2nd.
>brian: BEIL D8 .IBLE +18 110
>Brett: AACEEIL F5 CA..LE +19 94
#note No clue what to do...
>brian: KSY M12 SKY +35 145
>Brett: ACDEEIZ H12 .ADI +42 136
>brian: ?EINNRT 14A INTERNe. +70 215
>Brett: CEEGIYZ A13 Z.G +39 175
>brian: AX 15C AX +36 251
>Brett: CDEEIUY E10 YID +29 204
#note eye(l)id would have been nice.
>brian: NW 13G W.N. +24 275
>Brett: CEEEGGU 13A .EE +32 236
>brian: ALORS 5F .ORALS +16 291
>Brett: CEGGHTU H1 HUGE. +30 266
>brian: FHLS 2F FL.SH +27 318
>Brett: CEGIOTV 8J .OVICE +45 311
>brian: AEOPR 3J OPERA +19 337
>Brett: GOORTUW 1J OUTROW +36 347
>brian: ?AIMPTV N6 MI.A +14 351
>Brett: AFGIMTT 4K IF +25 372
>brian: ?DOPTUV M7 P.T +19 370
#note UPDOVe would have sealed the game.
>Brett: AGIMOTT N1 .G.M +14 386
#note was thinking of gamot* or somethign similar...GOYIM (which I don't know) and G(E)MOT are the play. needed to go through my tiles instead of draw the game out.
>brian: ?DOUV N14 OD +16 386
>Brett: AIOTT 15N .O +9 395
>brian: ?UV 9H eV. +11 397
#note UV(E)a was a win...he was very low on time.
>Brett: AITT O5 TAT. +13 408
>brian: U L11 U. +2 399
>brian: (I) +2 401
Player 2
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