Player 1 |
#player1 Katya_Lezin Katya Lezin
#player2 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
>Katya_Lezin: ACDEV 8D CAVED +28 28
>Kevin_Bowerman: AAOOTTU D4 OUTA.T +16 16
>Katya_Lezin: BEMR E2 BERM +26 54
>Kevin_Bowerman: AAEIOOX -AAIOO +0 16
#note OMIGOD# BERME is a word :( I exchanged instead of AXE because I didn't notice it scored 30
>Katya_Lezin: ADW 7G WAD +25 79
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEIRSXY J6 XI +33 49
#note This sims best, but (T)EXAS for the style points
>Katya_Lezin: Z 7C Z. +21 100
>Kevin_Bowerman: AENRSYY 2A NEAR.Y +38 87
#note Maybe EYRA?
>Katya_Lezin: DI 1A ID +18 118
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEFNRSY 1F ANY +23 110
#note This actually sims ahead of SENARY, but I would have played that if I had seen it.
>Katya_Lezin: ELT 6F LET +15 133
>Kevin_Bowerman: BEEFORS 3B FE +21 131
>Katya_Lezin: HI K5 HI +19 152
>Kevin_Bowerman: BEIOQRS 10B QIS +41 172
#note Should I play a QI somewhere, or a QIS somewhere? Quackle says QI is better in both spots.
>Katya_Lezin: ?INORST L6 STORINg +74 226
#note (HI)STORIaN !!!!
>Kevin_Bowerman: BEEOORS 8L .BOE +18 190
#note Is this worth the 2 point sacrifice from OBE? Quackle says no.
>Katya_Lezin: AJR 4J JAR +26 252
>Kevin_Bowerman: EMOORSV N6 VR.OM +24 214
#note Ugh, I hated this so much, but missed VE(N)OM, which is bunches better.
>Katya_Lezin: IOP K10 POI +19 271
#note Yes, this actually happened. About 30 seconds after she played it, I yelled out "Oh my god, you just played IG"
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEEGOSS M1 GOES +21 235
#note GAE was my other thought, and sims a bit better. M11 EGO or OGEE look best though.
>Katya_Lezin: DI 11B ID +17 288
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEEOOST 1K TO.AE +21 256
>Katya_Lezin: HLW 2L H.WL +37 325
#note Youch.
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEGORSU A11 ROUGE +25 281
#note O10 ERUGO is cool, perhaps a risk I need to take?
>Katya_Lezin: EITU O10 ETUI +9 334
>Kevin_Bowerman: CEGNNSU F8 .UG +11 292
#note This is really embarassing, I only thought of GUN, which I decided against because it could be hooked by the K, but GNU is also a word. This easily could have cost me the game.
>Katya_Lezin: EFK N13 KEF +26 360
>Kevin_Bowerman: ACENNNS 15L CA.E +36 328
>Katya_Lezin: ?AILLP M13 sP. +24 384
#note Best
>Kevin_Bowerman: NNNS B10 ..S +14 342
#note I should play (AW)N first, but saw that she could go out with (G)LIAL
>Katya_Lezin: AILL 14A .ILL +10 394
>Kevin_Bowerman: NNN N1 ..N +8 350
>Katya_Lezin: A H1 .A +5 399
>Katya_Lezin: (NN) +4 403