Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Conrad Conrad Bassett-Bouchard
#player2 Joel Joel Sherman
#title 2014 NSC Round 21
#description Conrad Bassett-Bouchard plays Joel Sherman in Round 21 at the 2014 NSC
>Conrad: FGIOORT 8D FORGOT +28 28
#note This turned out to be an omen.
>Joel: DDFITUW 7H WUD +16 16
>Conrad: IIMPQRZ 7C QI +26 54
>Joel: DFGINOT D6 T..FING +28 44
>Conrad: AEIMPRZ F6 ZI.AM +42 96
>Joel: DENORTU I6 O..TURNED +62 106
>Joel: DENORTU -- -62 44
#note Joel was shocked when this came off. I'd just looked it up last week!
>Conrad: AEHOPRY C10 HEAPY +36 132
#note And then I am so happy to have a good score for HEAPY that IFORGOT what I learned when I looked up the OUTTURNED* rack.
>Joel: DENORTU I4 UNT..ORED +61 105
#note Which part of the moron are you Conrad, the Mo or the Ron?
>Conrad: BEORRSV H11 BEVOR +41 173
>Joel: AEILOTY 4H O.TLAY +20 125
>Conrad: BDEEIRS 3B DERBIES +74 247
>Joel: CEILORU 4A COLE +27 152
#note I wonder if COLE is a bit desparate here? the IRU leave is pretty bad, and the board is open enough for the moment. Dunno, maybe it's just fine.
>Conrad: ?AISTVX 2E AX +54 301
#note Sometimes, Scrabble requires absolutely no skill at all.
>Joel: ?EEIRTU A4 .ERUsITE +77 229
>Conrad: ?HIRSTV 14G T.VaRISH +76 377
>Joel: AAAJLNS K11 AJA. +22 251
>Conrad: EELOPSU 12K .EU +20 397
#note I saw (J)ULEP, but wanted to go for another bingo, and felt this would help me with that more, and left me with more flexibility if Joel opted for a desparation opening. But for 14 points, maybe it's not quite worth it.
>Joel: AAELMNS 2A NAM +23 274
>Conrad: EELNOPS M1 POL.ENES +78 475
#note I can also just draw that.
>Joel: ACEGKLS 1H GELCA. +36 310
#note 7L K(E)G is cool.
>Conrad: ADIIINN L7 NIDI +11 486
#note I spent like 10 minutes on this endgame because I realized I was setting up WISKS*. Then after 10 minutes I realized that IFORGOT again, and WISK obviously wasn't a word, and made the obvious best endgame play.
>Joel: KOSW E11 SOW +22 332
#note I think Joel had mistracked.
>Conrad: AIN 14B A.IN +21 507
>Conrad: (K) +10 517
#note And so I finish off day 3 with some much-needed spread gain!
Player 2
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