Player 1 |
#player1 Marlon_Hill Marlon Hill
#player2 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
>Marlon_Hill: HNORTW 8C THROWN +32 32
>Jesse_Day: AAGLORZ E4 GAZA. +30 30
#note A mediocre start as I miss GAZOO.
>Marlon_Hill: GILOO 4C GI.OLO +18 50
>Jesse_Day: AFFLORR H1 FLO.R +24 54
>Marlon_Hill: LTU 6B LUT. +15 65
#note marlon had the K and big big tiles when he made this play.
>Jesse_Day: FIORSST 2G F.ORISTS +76 130
>Marlon_Hill: ?DEJK A4 JoKED +90 155
#note I think Marlon was angry that the blank had counterfeited his already big play, but it still got him right back in it.
>Jesse_Day: BEGOOSX 3H .X +34 164
#note quackle kind of likes GOOSE, I suppose because my leave with BEGOOS is unlikely to do very much, and there are good tiles to be drawn, like either of the wyes or that last blank. by drawing a y alone I hit BOXY for 63, so dumping the X is wrong.
>Marlon_Hill: NTY F3 T.NY +47 202
>Jesse_Day: BEGNOOS 9B GOOSE +33 197
#note BOOS is a lot better at the same spot, in spite of there being lots of Es left. I suppose BN leads to too many disasters.
>Marlon_Hill: AEMNRUY -AEMNRUY +0 202
#note throwing in 7 vowels
>Jesse_Day: BEENPWY L2 .WEEPY +28 225
#note it's this or TWEENY, but BP is nowhere to start a rack from, and on a closed board this at least allows me the prospect of some scoring play with the B downward.
>Marlon_Hill: AACEEQR -AACEEQ +0 202
#note if you heard Marlon yell at some point during the third day, then it was during this play, when he evidently managed to pull seven more vowels out of the bag
>Jesse_Day: AABBMNR K2 .AMB +33 258
#note things are looking up some after this play which closes the board down further and leaves me up over 50.
>Marlon_Hill: AEINQRS D3 Q. +11 213
#note At this point we unearthed a colossal scoring mistake on my part, where I'd managed to switch my and marlon's plays. I normally check the cumulative score after every move, but I also know that it frustrates Marlon enough that I don't see the point in pushing it. The chaos took several minutes to untangle, and by the end of it I think that I completely forgot to track one of the plays around here, which would later become very relevant.
>Jesse_Day: ABDINNR M2 .AN +23 281
#note forgot to write my rack down, but, some investigation tells me that this must've been my rack. My play feels kinda anemic, but it blocks a hotspot and doesn't give much back and keeps the B. quackle loves it, bien sur.
>Marlon_Hill: ?AEINRS 1A sANSERI. +88 301
#note Marlon had shown his frustration again before this play, but this time it turned out that he pulled the blank to arsine! At least it let him make this nice find, though.
>Jesse_Day: BDINRRU K7 BRUIN +21 302
#note SANSERIF was a huge momentum turner, because from this point onward I was in time trouble, and every move would count twice as much as before. with only an H and an M unseen fitting at the triple letter score left of the I, bruin is the play.
>Marlon_Hill: ACELNTV J10 HUE +29 330
>Jesse_Day: CDEILRV 13J DIVE +24 326
#note the best plays are all on row 13, but quackle actually seems to like my play, which sets up the last R without giving back too much. DRIVE is a competitor and a similar idea (setting up the L) but I think it's too easy for marlon to play through the E. DIVE at least gives me a chance, and if I do fit a play there with the C on the triple letter then he won't get too much comeback.
>Marlon_Hill: AACEI M6 AECIA +22 352
>Jesse_Day: ACELMRV N11 CARVE +29 355
#note do wish I knew what my seventh tile was. It miight've been the N in which case I missed VERNACLE, but I think an M looks right. From his rack it didn't seem like he'd be able to score all that much there, or at least not more than the board already offered, and the tempo is such that he has to empty the bag to play a scoring play there. But quackle seems to like HOVEL a little better, I suppose because the E can still be used too effectively for plays such as his next one. Almost dead even in the sim, but had to do this under time pressure.
>Marlon_Hill: ADEIIOT 15H AUDITE. +27 379
#note Marlon makes a nice play to give himself a chance...
>Jesse_Day: DEILMNP 14E LIMP +14 369
#note here comes the tragedy. This should be an easy win for me. But I have about two minutes, and I mistrack. Badly. I think he has LORT, which sucks - it looks like he has ROTL at the bottom! So I have to try to come up with an out-in-two that plays at the bottom and still lets me go out. I panic as my clock runs down, and with no time left see LIMP, which gives me a fighting chance - it gives me DEN at the top right and HONED as well. But his actual rack is EIOT, and instead I've just blown my second endgame of the tournament. The easiest winning play is just DIM at N4, which loses to an out play but wins everything else and even goes out in two: HOLPEN and PLENA. This became abudantly clear in postmortem. Perhaps I should've just played that knowing that I'd mistracked and hoping that he wouldn't have an out, but with LORT and knowing that he probably has another vowel instead of the consonant I didn't do it. The best endgame is actually HOLPEN first which sets up two bigger outs compared to DIM, and you take the littler one after he blocks at the top right. Marlon after the game said "LIMP was a terrible play" before he'd realized that I'd mistracked, but in retrospect I suspect t that it was still a terrible play even with no idea what his actual rack was.
>Marlon_Hill: EIOT 8M .OT +15 394
#note I have no idea what his actual rack is here, but it looks like I even gave him an out. Actually, my play would've given him TROLL if he really did have LORT, so oh well. In any case, he sees a play that wins it by one, recounts the entire game on his time, and seals it.
>Jesse_Day: DEN N4 DEN +20 389
>Jesse_Day: (EI) +4 393
#note and that's how I lost by a point to marlon. Funny too because my tracking was really good for most of the tournament. Oh well. Just had to laugh and move on. A shame to waste a well-played game, though.