Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Ed_de_G Ed de G
#player2 JD JD
>Ed_de_G: AEFMNOV 8D FOEMAN +30 30
#note he should play FOVEA here...instead he pulled a thevenot: (geoff had the same rack and also mistakenly played FOEMAN out of it)
>JD: ABEFSVZ 7F FEZ +37 37
#note didn't really even think about FAZE, but it seemed in my best interest to keep things more closed. probably worth taking the points
>Ed_de_G: ACDERV 9C CADRE +32 62
>JD: ABERSUV D8 ..UVE +22 59
#note for whatever reason, on this particular day I was trying to play fast against ed, so this play came down quickly
>Ed_de_G: ?AEIORV 9I OVARIEs +64 126
>Ed_de_G: EITW 1L WITE +44 170
#note I actually came close to challenging this. for some reason I thought it didn't take a front hook. ed held rustable for a bit first
>JD: AAAGKLS L8 K.AAL +28 161
>Ed_de_G: HIOT O6 HOI.T +36 206
>JD: ADDGISY M11 GIDDY +27 188
#note GIDDY gives back a lot more points but it seemed good to dump the G, and I figured this would distract him a bit from interfering with my bingo lanes at the top right
>Ed_de_G: ACELU 14J CAU.LE +30 236
>JD: AAEEINS N11 AE +9 197
#note I have enough consonants to bingo through that I was ok with leaving AEINS. AVE seemed to mess with my own good lanes too much and maybe give free points on column B.
>Ed_de_G: IX M3 XI +38 274
>Ed_de_G: NO 15M .ON +26 300
>JD: BGRRSTY L4 B.Y +26 299
#note BEG definitely a better play, that Y could be useful.
>Ed_de_G: DELO H1 LODE. +21 321
#note interesting to read this play. if he had the blank he would probably leave row 4 open.
>JD: GPPRRST K11 SPR.T +30 329
#note I have no memory of SPRAG being a word! cool.
>Ed_de_G: NU 10F NU +19 340
>JD: ?EGOPRW 6I OW +28 357
>Ed_de_G: EJN 2F JE.N +27 367
>JD: ?EGPQRT J4 G..P +10 367
#note drawing the Q looks bad, but I figured if I can draw an I then I have a good shot of pulling this out.
>Ed_de_G: HIIMORT 3C THIO +23 390
#note his chances here are pretty bad. he was trying to set himself up, but it gives back too many Q plays. none of quackle's suggested lines seem to work too well.
>JD: ?EIOQRT 4A QuOIT +60 427
>Ed_de_G: GIMR C12 MIG +16 406
>JD: ER 5C RE +11 438
>JD: (R) +2 440
Player 2
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