Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jerry_Lerman Jerry Lerman
#player2 JD JD
>Jerry_Lerman: DEHLNPX 8F PLEX +26 26
#note thanks to jerry for contributing his racks!
>JD: ?DLNNOV H7 V.ND +8 8
>Jerry_Lerman: DFHHMNR -FHHMN +0 26
>JD: ?ILLNOT 11B LINTOLs +70 78
>Jerry_Lerman: DEIJRRU F6 JU.E +29 55
#note Q suggest JURIED here. INJURE also sims better but hard to play
>JD: AEEIRUV 10B EAU +13 91
#note EAU feels a bit unnatural as a play - I saw VAINER and AVENUE for more points, but with a lead in hand EAU seemed to control things beautifully. he will probably have to fish on row 7 next turn or something to open bingo lanes, but I should have a nice edge. didn't see ELUVIA B10 but I take my play here
>Jerry_Lerman: DEIRRSW 8D DI....ER +20 75
#note wow, not necessarily quackle's favorite play (Q suggests WAIR at C9 as an intriguing setup) but what a gorgeous find to open the board!
>JD: EIKORTV J4 EVOK. +14 105
#note DIVOT at 10H outsims my play considerably. I suppose DIVOT keeps things relatively closed, and the K will be good on the resulting board. I like my try ok though
>Jerry_Lerman: EFIRSWY L3 WIFEYS +52 127
>JD: AEFIRST M6 FA +17 122
#note blocked! I thought that my existing lanes weren't good enough to just play DIF at 10H - after a two tile fish he could easily chose to play on column D and block everything. his rack is random, so a good time to open.
>Jerry_Lerman: HIOORTU N6 THORO +29 156
#note with the inference of a strong leave quackle's choice of OUTROW/REVOKE looks worse, but maybe ROUTH at N3, which shouldn't give too much back but does block
#note was maybe hoping to draw a challenge, but no hold. jerry knows his stuff
>Jerry_Lerman: EHINOTU O10 ETHION +41 197
>JD: ?AADEQT 13L QAD. +28 196
#note oh jeez, missed adequate here. post-nationals rust!
>Jerry_Lerman: ABIIIUZ 3L .AI. +14 211
#note quackle's not necessarily going to be a lot of help on this tight board. not clear what he would be trying to draw if he exchanged, although here are lots of bingo tiles out there. I think this play is fine.
>JD: ?AEEGTU K8 .UGAE +12 208
#note should probably take the points for EDGE at N12 as suggested by Q
>Jerry_Lerman: ABIIIUZ 12E AI +6 217
#note I completely misinterpreted this play at the time as a fish. seems like it might be time to exchange and try to draw an R. quackle likes keeping AIZ, which is a bit unusual! maybe drawing for ZEIN at 14J?
>JD: ?AENRST 3D SAuNTER +71 279
#note too bad I couldn't find adequate and get on with my life sooner
>Jerry_Lerman: BIIMOUZ H1 ZI.I +42 259
>JD: ELNNOPW 4C LOWN +24 303
#note I played LOWN instead of OWN because I foresaw a big comeback on row 5 from him, and LOWN makes that tougher. also, the bag is full of consonants. however, I do sometimes give him big plays (BLOWN). thought it was risk worth taking
>Jerry_Lerman: BDEMORU B1 DUMBER +36 295
#note he saw afterward that he can play DUMB at A7 instead. not sure what the best way is to give himself a chance
>JD: AEMNOPT A5 POME +30 333
#note playing ADOPT up top seemed to make it easier to go out next turn, but I wanted to block big plays like BAGGY and BOGGY. quackle suggests that either one wins all endgames
>Jerry_Lerman: ABGGOST C9 B..TS +20 315
#note his best endgame in theory is playing TOGA M10, but we had both gotten very low on time...
>JD: ANRTY 1A A.RY +36 369
>JD: ANRTY -- -36 333
#note I probably have 500 plays that win me the game, including my out of RATA(N)Y at the bottom right that I missed under time pressure. this was not one of them! collins
>Jerry_Lerman: AGGO J12 AGOG +10 325
#note eek!
>Jerry_Lerman: (ANRTY) +16 341
Player 2
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