Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
#player2 Max_Panitch Max Panitch
>Thomas_Reinke: ACEEIRV 8D CAVIE +26 26
>Max_Panitch: AHNW 7G HWAN +29 29
>Thomas_Reinke: CENORTW 9G CENT +27 53
#note Quackle does not appreciate my genius O setup.
>Max_Panitch: EENOOST D7 E.OTONES +70 99
>Thomas_Reinke: EOORRWY C3 WORRY +39 92
#note C11 YOW.
>Max_Panitch: FUZ 13A FUZ. +32 131
>Thomas_Reinke: AAEIORT A11 TA.IA +27 119
>Max_Panitch: ?AGGINO B4 GOAdING +78 209
>Thomas_Reinke: AEEIOOR K9 OORIE +17 136
#note E11 ROE is 29, but keeps AEIO. Who wants that. Not me. No sir.
>Max_Panitch: DEF E11 FED +44 253
>Thomas_Reinke: AEEGHIO A8 HE +32 168
#note A1 GHEE or OHIA
>Max_Panitch: EEQRSSU 12G ESQU.RES +86 339
>Thomas_Reinke: AAAEGIO -AAAGIO +0 168
>Max_Panitch: DEIMT A1 TIMED +36 375
>Thomas_Reinke: ?BEIRSX L3 BRaXIES +90 258
>Max_Panitch: PRV M11 P.RV +18 393
>Thomas_Reinke: AEMNOPT H12 .TOP +18 276
#note Pointlessly opening another weak lane.
>Max_Panitch: BDU M5 BUD +25 418
>Thomas_Reinke: AAELMNO C12 A.ON +18 294
>Max_Panitch: DI B1 ID +14 432
#note I've got him scared.
>Thomas_Reinke: AEJLLMY 3I JAM.E +48 342
#note 9A ENJOY gives me one more chance.
>Max_Panitch: LTU 14G L.UT +6 438
>Thomas_Reinke: GIIKLLY 5A ...KY +26 368
#note Put down then picked up DORKILY*. Even through the impenetrable haze of my own melancholy there appear sometimes brief moments of clarity.
>Max_Panitch: AALN N8 NALA. +11 449
>Max_Panitch: (ILLIG) +12 461
Player 2
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